Love Like Ours

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A billow of light warm gray clouds thundered up above the loneliness of his room. Geto sat hunched over on the edge of his bed, sinking into the foam beneath him. His elbows rested on his knees as both hands lay clasped together. Long black hair fell over his shoulders like a water fountain and his small black eyes fixated on the floor not daring to blink. The smell of rain wafted into his room as the small drops began pelting from the sky. Sounds of water smacking concrete could be heard straight through the window; a usually calming noise was now driving Geto insane. His mind argued with itself, trying to figure out one thing. Morals. Thunder seemed to boom at the mention of the word, even the “gods” above questioned what the hell kind of person he was. The brown-stained wood floor seemed like it might crack from just the gaze of the sorcerer, unmoving and unkind. His lips pressed together tightly, allowing him to feel every patch of dry skin on them.

 He shifted his stare upwards to the tall glass window in front of him. He could see the faintest reflection but it was enough to consider what a wuss he was being. No one cared if he was a good person at heart and neither should he. Though he thought this, his face in the mirrored light told him otherwise. The water forming puddles outside mocked his coarse and parched throat and yet it described his eyes perfectly. They were starting to gloss over without explanation and he couldn’t stop them either. This agitated him, every day he saw monkeys act just like this, pitying themselves. It was weak. 


Somewhere in the close distance lightning struck the ground with a force that shook him. The light from it danced across the sky and back into the clouds, running away just as it had shown itself. Ghetto clenched his fist and dug his nails into his palm. He slammed it onto the bed next to him. 


Geto’s breathing felt forced with the passing seconds, his heart slowly beginning to bang inside of his rising and falling chest. It ached with every pulse, every blink, every breath. His palm stung. He grasped onto the fabric of his shirt by his heart and heard his pulse echoing in his ear drums. It was all so loud. Eyelids squeezed shut over his eyes, engulfing him for a second. It felt like an eternity before he opened them once more, only to be met with blurred figures as he looked out the window. His eyes widened at the cloudiness that fell over his vision like a wave. Suddenly, he felt something hot touch his skin. It singed every pore of skin in its path until it fell off his fine jawline and onto his pants. He could still feel its trail marked on his cheek. Looking down, his eyes widened. A single damp circle was imprinted on the cloth of his pants. Cool air encased the room as Geto sat in an unbreakable stillness, stunned. He was crying?? Chills ran through his body causing goosebumps to follow. What was he crying for? He had nothing to cry about. Crying was weak. He would not be what he hated. But since he was indeed crying, maybe he already was. More silent tears fell onto his porcelain skin, stabbing his heart every time. Geto gritted his teeth as he stood up, his right hand still trying to cling to his aching heart. The water coming from his eyes pooled before tipping just over the edge. 

Though now standing, he couldn’t find the strength to straighten out his back that was still hunched over. His mouth opened for just a second but it was just enough to let out a barely audible gasp of breath. His hand shot up to cover his mouth. If anyone came into the room and saw him, like a helpless gremlin he would never step outside again. He let out another grunt, this time biting his lip until he could taste the metallicness of his blood. The crimson liquid slowly seeped into his mouth as he stood in his misery.  


Another bolt of lightning flashed into the sky moments before the sound. Geto’s head shot up and stared at the clouds that blanketed the sky. The forces of nature were poking fun at his sorrow. No, how would that be possible, there are no gods. 

[ Love Like Ours ] Satosugu [ One Shot ]Where stories live. Discover now