Part 1

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My mind was a haze, my thoughts poured out in a messy jumble of half-formed words.

A gleam of light struck the moist of the ground and the silvery moonlight pierced through a crack in the mossy stone.

This light brightens up the room in my otherwise dark cell.

A voice broke through my ephemeral reverie, more insistent this time. It was a sort of humming; it sounded familiar...

A song from another time suddenly emerged from a deep part of my mind

I hate the way I loved you

You loved the way you hated me

And I'll make you remember before the sunset comes

because I'll never see you again

It can't be her...

I heard the vibrations of her coughing and hacking as I held her fragile body

I felt the tears streaming from her little face wetting the scarf that covered my aching shoulder.

I stared up, afraid of what my eyes were about to witness, something that my numb mind refused to believe.

It was her.

Meeting her grief filled eyes with my own, she whispered, as if unable to believe it herself, "Ezra?"

The misery in my silence must have told her all she needed to know.

I breathed in and steeled myself as I admired the creature that lost her life in my mere arms.

The creature that held my world in her hands.

I thought about hugging her close, hoping that I can pull the scattered pieces of our past closer but I did not... I was afraid.

I stood up; I brought my quiver hands to her round figure while struggling to form a discernible phrase

"Ether? Is that you?"


And just when I thought I felt the warmth of her skin, she vanished... once again... as the evanescent morning dreams that your dizzy mind takes away from you when you wake up.

I really thought that my soul was too old and that my mind was too deep to grasp the shallows of the lasting life I led and the path that brought me here. Centuries slipped through my fingertips like grains of sand waiting for an epilogue that I would never have; I'm trapped in an eternal dance...

There have been so many times where I debated whether or not I should leave this cell. I outlived those walls and seen the rust and mildew eat it away. I saw life fade from this place.

I remember the horrors that took this prison as stage, baleful acts from cruel performers.

For hundred years, I was dismayed in watching their pitiful life. Murders, greed and savagery behind closed cell doors that eventually led to an indescribable chaos, others came and took their places and the cycle repeated itself until the uroboros loosen its tail.

I finally decided to leave my cage, and there was I. As my eyes started to get accustomed to the brightness of moonslight, I was able to see more and more across this land. It was a beautiful sight.

I have seen many countless things but the moonlight still enchants me as much as it did the first time I saw it.
Some used to reach out to see if they could touch it. They succeeded and their thirst for knowledge pushed them further beyond its light. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened to them if they chose to use what they discovered to preserve themselves better, to extend their existence but alas, they dwindled. Their mark on the world did the same and I watched as new species rose to take their place.

I shouted into the nothingness that surrounded me. The vibrations of my voice only rattled my body and nothing else. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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