Wang Junkai and His Stupid Plan

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Wang Jungkai's heart was beating very fast, especially when he was already on the plane that would take him to Boston

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Wang Jungkai's heart was beating very fast, especially when he was already on the plane that would take him to Boston. He had been planning this trip for several months and now that it was time for his departure, Wang Junkai was really impatient, even though he again had to wait about 14 hours to get to Boston. Of course Wang Junkai didn't go alone, he naturally dragged his best friend Yi Yang Qianxi to go with him.

"Can you not act too obvious, we still have 14 hours of flight until we reach the city where the love of your life at" Qianxi rolled his eyes when he saw his best friend repeatedly changing his seat position, Junkai tried to sit comfortably for at least 14 hours forward.

"I'm just looking for a comfortable sitting position, it's your fault because you just gave me an answer 3 days ago, if it were sooner maybe I could have bought a more comfortable business class plane ticket"

"Let me get this straight, I didn't say yes, you basically dragged me into this" said Qianxi while putting earphones in his ears, he wanted to avoid the captain's never ending nag.

“We're best friends!” Junkai slightly pouted "As friends we should support each other"

“I've always supported you.. it's just what will I do in Boston later? You and Yuanyuan must have left me alone again.”

"I already bought you a DVD of your favorite Korean girl band concert, you can play the dvd over and over again until you get bored" said Wang Junkai then sighed "Do you think Yuanyuan still recognizes me?"

“Capt, did you hit your head this morning?” Qianxi shook his head “How do you think Wang Yuan will forget you? Or should I explain one more time? first, we have known Yuanyuan for more than 7 years, second, we are in the same group, third, we spend more time together than we spend with our families, fourth, you never leave Yuan alone, fifth, and more The important thing is that ever since Yuan decided to study in Boston, you've been calling him every day!”

“Oh right… I forgot about that.. hahaha” Junkai leaned back in his seat “but that's different, it's been 1 year I haven't seen him in person”

"You are so hopeless, Wang Junkai" Qianxi shook his head

"Why didn't I confess my love to him earlier? Could it be that I wasn't paying enough attention?"

"Everyone can clearly see that you like Yuan, you are too obvious"

“Then, why Wang Yuan……”

“He is blind and maybe too dumb” Qianxi closed his eyes “Now can I sleep peacefully? Think about how to confess to Yuan later when we arrive”

It was easy for Qianxi of course but not easy for Wang Junkai, especially when he knew he would meet Wang Yuan soon. Wang Junkai was impatient but of course he was also a little nervous. Will he succeed in confessing his love to Wang Yuan? What will Yuan say later? What if Yuan already has a girlfriend?

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