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If you have not been a villain at a certain point in time, you will never be a hero. And the day you are a hero, you may become a villain the next day.




ROMY DALTON ISN'T FIT TO BE A SAVIOR. Someone like her doesn't get to be extraordinary and squeeze their way through the endless cycle of superheroes. Not with those powers. Not with that name. That's what her Deans say moments before she is expelled from the academy. It's what Prime City's most beloved superhero broadcasts for the world to see.

It's what her sister's killer claims the night she's pushed from the top of their apartment complex.

When Christina's death cracks open the entangled web of lies and innocent names wrongly linked to precious heroes turning up as cold bodies and charred flesh, the shadows of Prime City call for a reckoning. And now Romy, devout troublemaker of the streets, has two options. Either choose to be the villain to their madness, or the glory that gets her killed.




Wow. Guys, this is a completely different storyline. I was unsatisfied with the direction the original was headed, to say the least. A good 85% of the previous plot has been scrapped. Many names, characters, and personalities were changed. (Note: the above summary is subject to change as well.) Super Dilemma's focus has shifted from humor to action with a hint of badassery. All in all, I apologize for the delay and confusion that the intense plot changes may bring.

If you have any questions or are hella confused about the changes, feel free to comment or shoot me a pm. The next part before the actual story will include a couple face claims (not all of the characters, but probably just a few of the main ones to help stimulate your imaginations). 


– depictions of an almost fully poc cast (oh no!)
– good grammar (I hope... the horror!)
– mild violence
– allusions to issues such as poverty, abuse, neglect, and discrimination
– swearing?
– miscellaneous content that I may have overlooked as being too graphic

The revamp of Super Dilemma will be officially out in 2020-21. Please stay tuned! As my first real work on Wattpad, this story holds dear to my heart and I appreciate everyone who's stood by as this train wreck was laid out, destroyed, and hammered back together again.

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