Good to be back

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Hello this is my first Jaya fic in this account I hope you guys like it

When Nya returned that heart started to slowly heal, one year ago she sacrificed herself to save him and Ninjago with the cost of her memories of them. He even thought she was gone forever, but now here she was unconscious but very much flesh and bone instead of part of the sea.

Jay finally felt happy since a very long time and that happiness would hopefully stay forever. Jay was finally cut out of his thoughts when he heard some groan.

Looking at Nya he could see her eyelids finally opening and Jay couldn't be more happy.


"Jay is that you?"

Jay looked at her straight in the eye Smiling.


"Yeah it's me, oh god Nya it's really you"

Jay gave his Yang the biggest hug he could, while trying to be gentle incase if there was any sort of pain. Nya didn't fight the affection and hugged him back smiling.


"I know, I know "

It was funny few minutes before Nya returned in her water form. Jay and Kai were fighting with Jay being bitter due to the loss of the one he loved the most and Kai who lost his sister and letting his anger get the best of him.

But after Nya returned they sat aside their differences. Got Aspheera and her staff and removed Nya's powers while also managing to keep their identities from being discovered by the authorities, the new mayor and the new ninja (which was still an awful name in jays opinion) but in the end everything worked out they not only managed to successfully remove Nya's powers but also managed to convince Aspheera to be on their team at least for the time being.

Currently both lovers stopped the hug but neither could stop smiling they were reunited and nothing could ruin this-....


"Hey guys look at the lovebirds "

And of course kai had to ruin it, both the master of Lightning and the former master of water started to blush and couldn't stop to make matters even worse it was Kai of all people. He would never let this down, sometimes just sometimes Jay wished the ground could swallow him whole.


"I sometimes really hate you Kai"

Jay said but there was no hostility or venom in his words. While he does have his issues with Kai he was still Jays friend even if they but heads a few well almost everyday.

Kai looked amused

"Nah no one can pass up these good looks"

He had his infamous smug smile which irritated his enemies as well as his friends.


"Boys did you forget I'm still here"

While Jay looked ashamed Kai still had his smug smile and laughed.


"Sorry sis but you know me"

Then he gave Nya the biggest hug he could muster, he found it very had to let go of Nya, Nya was the only thing he had left when his parents were missing. So to see her give up her own life was heartbreaking but now she was back and he was happy.

Afterwards the rest of the team came to check on Nya. From what Nya heard Kai already called there parents to tell them that Nya is back.

After the hugs and countless tears Nya decided to take a nap and the rest of the team decided to leave her alone to do their own things.

But unfortunately for the Ninja this was Ninjago, an alarm was set off and when the Ninja found the cause they went to investigate.

Pythor escaped prison.

Honestly this thing had a couple of rewrites and it took forever to just finish this It was supposed to be 2k words but in the end I decided against it since it would take too long.

In the end we'll be alright Jaya One Shots Where stories live. Discover now