Dance Class

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Dean Winchester shook where he stood.

Gym bags were scattered around the edge of the studio and various pieces of clothing were discarded over practice bars. In the middle of the room the whole class was stretching and warming up with their partners and Dean and Castiel were looking around in concern.

Dean let out a long frustrated groan as he looked to the clock.

Naomi Tapping was their dance instructor and she was a nightmare. If you messed up, or didn't follower her orders you would get punished or yelled at in front of the whole class. She always seemed to like to pick on Dean because she knew he was self conscious about being in dance.

When he was little he used to love to dance around the kitchen with his mom and she would always pick him up and tell him that he was her little dancer. After the fire and after they moved he started playing sports instead because his dad liked them better and it made Dean feel tough.

John never approved of Dean's love of dancing and Dean would always hide his CDs of the soundtracks to "Singin in The Rain" or "Any Get Your Gun" whenever his father was home. But the night he had picked his courses for high school, he made a split second decision and clicked on dance instead of gym.

After that, he felt horribly guilty like his father would be so ashamed and that he would never have a life in dance, and no one would treat him with any respect. In the first couple weeks in the class he had tried to keep out of peoples way, so that maybe they wouldn't notice he was there.

That's how he met his best friend Castiel. Castiel had been doing the exact same thing and after a while they just sort of started talking. Castiel had told him about his dream of becoming a dance teacher and Dean had confided in Cas, his dream of becoming a professional dancer. Castiel had been completely supportive of it and he would let Dean practice at his house because Dean's dad would never let him dance.

The past few weeks, had been partner dancing which was very fascinating to Dean. They had to work with their partners to create something beautiful. They had to be perfectly in sync and tuned to each others movements.

Dean's partner Lisa was an amazing dancer, best of the girls in the class; and Dean didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the whole class and Lisa so he had been practising the routine with Castiel in their free periods. It made it easier and when it came to dancing with Lisa, despite the weight difference, it was pretty much the same and Dean had been complimented on numerous occasions by Lisa.

But today, on the presenting day, Lisa was nowhere to be seen and the teacher was going to be here any minute.

"Cas, have you seen Lisa," Dean bent over and grabbed the bottom of his feet before slowly stretching back up too face Castiel, who was doing similar stretches beside him.

"No, I haven't seen her since last Monday, along with Meg who also seems to be missing." Castiel huffed and pulled his phone from his bag.

"She is no doubt at home nursing a hang over, she was at the Roadhouse over the weekend, would you like me to text Lisa as well?"

"Yeah sure man, but it's not gonna make a difference. Naomi's gonna be here in like two minutes, were screwed!"

"I concur, but there's no harm in trying."

Just as Castiel pressed send on the text the studios doors banged open and an already annoyed looking teacher stood there.

Both Dean and Castiel gulped loudly before running to the side with the class to sit by the wall and listen to instructions. Maybe they would be lucky and they wouldn't have to dance today?

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