Part 1 - The Beninging

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She woke up in a place she didn't recognize. She looked around and realised, she was in the hotel she went to the night before. "Why did I go here?" she wondered. It then dawned on her. The get-together, the fight, the... accident. She relived the memories of the previous evening and cried the same tears of pain as the image of the massacred bodies appeared in her mind again. It usually took her an average of 20-30 minutes to get herself back together, this time after 2 hours she still was crying. When she finally calmed down, she started to understand the seriousness and danger of the situation she was in, and started to worry wether they will find her there or not, naturally hoping they wouldn't. And that's when she heard knocking on her door. Scared they'll do the same to her, she immidiatly hid under the bed, not caring enough to hide anything else. She dropped her phone, and before she could get to it, the door opened. She was already terrified at this point. She heard a voice. "Where are you? We just want to help you with the problems you're facing in your life". Not trusting them and still horrified she started silently shaking from fear, not knowing what to do. They proceeded to examine the room. She saw around 4 people, probably armed, walk around looking in different places for her. She continued shaking, tears started to fall from her eyes. Breathing heavily, she saw a pair of eyes looking at her and heard a voice inform the others about her position. She fell strong arms picking her up and standing her on her feet. She refused to look at them, tracing the lines on the floor with her eyes. She was still in the clothes from the day before. With the corner of her eye, she saw one of the people take her things from the room and pack them to her suitcase. She knew trying to fight back had no sense, so she just stayed quiet, while still weeping her eyes out. When the guy finished packing they took her outside the hotel and basically threw her into the back of a van. They didn't care if she fastened her seatbelt or not, they started moving quickly after getting into the car.

After a car journey of hours Naomi was tried, but she finally could join her family on their get-together. She missed some of them, some... not so much. But they still were her family. She parked her car and exited it, taking her bags from the back and ringing the bell. The door opened and she saw her mother, as happy as always. Naomi's mom was a nice lady in her mid-50s. She radiated a homey aura and somehow constantly smelled like homemade cookies, even if she didn't bake them in a long time. That scent just stuck with her and Naomi knew that it fits her mom perfectly. She smiled. Nothing could ruin this night.

Oh, how she was wrong.

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