Chapter 1: Mysterious Awakenings

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"Where am I?" I ask as I open my eyes. Darn it, I had fallen asleep again. And in the middle of class! How embarrassing! I sat up, seeing a couple of kids staring at me as well as the principal. I knew who those kids were, they were the goody-two-shoes kids in my class. I looked around and realized I was outside just in the middle of the school yard. Oh no, this happened again...

Sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so let me explain:

My name is Lily Kittenpuff, I'm what I originally thought is your average tween girl, trying to get through school life like any other kid. But, I've also gone through another problem. A very strange one that I only seem to have. I always end up falling asleep at the most random times, waking up somewhere completely different. I've asked so many adults, nurses, doctors, and psychiatrists, but nobody has gotten to the bottom of it. Most people say I probably have narcolepsy and just happen to sleepwalk a lot, but I honestly don't believe that. 

Anyways, back to the story. The one girl who was outside helped me up.

"You fell asleep right before class ended. I didn't see what happened after that, but the next thing I knew, I was told that you had ended up still completely asleep in the yard." she said, looking at me very confused. I got extremely embarrassed. I didn't like people knowing about my strange condition, especially the top students. I turned away, showing I didn't want to talk about it. "What's wrong?" she asked. A tear came out of my eye. I cried a bit. "Why are you crying?" she continued asking. I didn't answer. I wiped away my tears and ran away. 

I somehow ran all the way to my house. I didn't care if it was against the school rules, I was too embarrassed as I have never done that during school hours. I opened the door, quickly hopped through the doorway and shut the door as if someone was following me. My mom was cleaning the dishes at the time and she turned towards me.

"Lily, sweetie? What are you doing at home so early?" my mother asked. At this point, I had stopped crying, but it started up again as soon as she asked that question.

"I- I- I fell asleep. In th-the middle of c-c-class! A-and I woke u-up seeing the b-b-best students just l-look at m-me l-l-like I was some kind of c-creep!" I said between sobs. My mother hugged me to comfort me. 

"And, you got home how?" she asked. I froze.

"Umm... I may have run home..." I admitted.

"YOU KNOW-" My mother began to yell before she calmed down. "You know, you shouldn't have done that. I get you were stressed, but that doesn't mean you run home. I'll let you off the hook today, but the next time, simply tell your principal." my mother said calmly and supportively. I nodded my head and she let go of me. I walked upstairs with a frown on my face. I sighed as I went into my room and sat by my window. I looked outside, noticing a few cop cars passing by. I always thought a good crime scen was interesting, so I watched intently.

There the cars went, zooming through the street, passing the hundreds of houses located on it. Their sirens were flashing brightly and were extremely noisy. People came through their door to the outside world where the cars were passing by to see what was going on. I felt like this was the moment I needed popcorn. I almost got up, until my body started feeling limp, my eyes were becoming heavy. No, this couldn't be happening now when we were reaching the best part of the action! 

I felt more and more tired by the second until I eventually shut my eyes and fell asleep. The one question remained, where would I end up when I wake up this time?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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