Wake up⏰

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"Wake up" That's what they say in my world... Wake up from being difrent...

No ones the same that would be boring as fuck! But what if your difrent, Like gay or anything in the Lqbtqia+ Then they hate you... This world sucks! I'll tell you a few sentences that it hate and heard allot:

"Sit like a girl"
"Girls are weak guys are strong"
"Guys don't cry"
"I need some strong boys to help me"
"Girls need to like pink"
"Make-up is for girls"
"Boys need to like cars"
"Blue is for boys"
Just appreciate how we are...
We are humans we're all humans!
And what i hate the most...
Is that people date for someone's body...
I don't know... but that's my opinion.
Oh! I didn't say my name, hehe... My name is Ki-yu i have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and my mom and dad died... I'm the youngest... here's a list from my family! ;)

 here's a list from my family! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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