Chapter 19

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Party Ponies!

  "One on one," I challenged Luke. "What are you afraid of?"

  Luke curled his lip. The soldiers who were about to kill us hesitated, waiting for his order.

  Before he could saying anything, Agrius, the bear-man, burst onto the deck leading a flying horse. It was the first pure-black pegasus I’d ever seen, with wings like a giant raven. The pegasus mare bucked and whinnied. I could understand her thoughts. She was calling Agrius and Luke some names so bad Chiron would’ve washed her muzzle out with saddle soap.

  "Sir!" Agrius called, dodging a pegasus hoof. "Your steed is ready!"

  Luke kept his eyes on me.

  "I told you last summer, (y/n),” he said. "You can’t bait me into a fight."

  "And you keep avoiding one," I noticed. "Scared your warriors will see you get your precious butt whipped?"

  Luke glanced at his men, and he saw I’d trapped him. If he backed down now, he would look weak. If he fought me, he’d lose valuable time chasing after Clarisse. For my part, the best I could hope for was to distract him, giving my friends a chance to escape. If anybody could think of a plan to get them out of there, it was definitely Annabeth. On the downside, I knew how good Luke was at sword-fighting.

  “I’ll kill you quickly,” he decided, and raised his weapon. Backbiter was a foot longer than my own sword. Its blade glinted with an evil gray-and-gold light where the human steel had been melded with celestial bronze. I could almost feel the lade fighting against itself, like two opposing magnets bound together. I didn’t know how the blade had been made, but I sensed a tragedy. Someone had died in the process. Luke whistled to one of his men, who threw him a round leather-and-bronze shield.

  He grinned at me wickedly.

  "Luke," Annabeth said, "at least give him a shield."

  "Sorry, Annabeth," he said. "You bring your own equipment to this party."

  The shield was a problem. Fighting two-handed with just a sword gives you more power, but fighting one-handed with a shield gives you better defense and versatility. There are more moves, more options, more ways to kill. I thought back to Chiron, who’d told me to stay at camp no matter what, and learn to fight. Now I was going to pay for not listening to him.

  Luke lunged and almost killed me on the first try. His sword went under my arm, slashing through my shirt and grazing my ribs.

  I jumped back and away from Luke's blade, then countered with my own slash, but Luke easily blocked my attack with his shield.

  "My, (y/n)," said Luke. "You're out of practice."

  He came at me again with a swipe to the head. I parried, returned with a thrust. He sidestepped with little trouble.

  When Luke attacked again, I turned my body sideways and let Backbiter pass by my chest without hitting me, then I kicked Luke's knee. He staggered backwards to get away from my attacks, and in his moment of daze, I used his own shadow on the ground to send him like a rocket into the sky.

  In the air, I used a quick shadow dash to appear right above him and send him down back into the ship with a makeshift double handed hammer I created from shadows. His body was sent crashing into the pool, and a large jet of water flew up.

𐌙/𐌍 Ᏽ𐌵𐌀𐌋𐌄 & 𐌕𐋅𐌄 Ᏽ𐌐𐌄𐌀𐌕 𐌌𐌙𐌕𐋅𐌔 ¹Where stories live. Discover now