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Growing up with the Galra since 6 isn't easy let me tell ya, taken from your home and expected to live up to a whole new races expectations and criteria's. Sometimes you just wanna let your hair down and shift forms, be free for a little while. And that exactly what I, Keith Akira Kogane did. Join Keith on his little 'adventure' after a mission gone wrong! Meet the Paladins, the Princess and her Advisor. What's the Princess hiding? Will Keith show them his other half? How will the other Paladins react to him? How will the Blade react to him and his little 'I'm not coming back' act? Find out in this book and watch a relationship grow! <3

In this AU Keith is a half-breed and was taken from earth at the age of 6 after his Dad died in the ablaze house. He was expected to be up to Galra Blade standards but better, he was one of the most agile kids in his class and was smarter than many. But since he was a half-breed he was closely watched and observed from afar, people were constantly asking him questions and everyone in his class wanted to be friends with him so they would say they were friends with the infamous half-breed. There was only one other Person Keith would converse with, and that's because they had went through similar, ripped from family and home to grow up somewhere else. Keith ended up getting sent on a mission in which he met the Paladins, they took him back to the castle with them and the rest you will have to find out yourself~

I have 4 chapters possibly already written out, I hope that you =, the reader, will enjoy this book and if wanted leave me any feedback in the comment section. Now I have a little character introduction below so please read it, if you can't be bothered searching up their middle names they will be down the very bottom but you will have to piece together who nickname it is, bah bye!

(If you search up all the characters middle names they all have a meaning behind them. ;)     minus Coran, I kept his real name)

Lancelot Morwenna Mcclain

Preferred name(s) or Nicknames: Lance, Sharpshooter, Tailor.

Race: Human. Born and raised in Cuba. Fluent in Spanish and has Latino blood in his family bloodline.

Status: Paladin of the Blue Lion

Age: 17.

Significant other: Keith Akira Kogane

Weapon of choice: Blaster or Long-range gun.

Personality: Bubbly personality, Loves to help others any chance he gets. Will throw himself in the deep end if it means that the ones he loves live. Constantly needing to be grounded by family and friends, love to play the Ukulele and sing along to it in Spanish

Katie Akilah Holt

Preferred name(s) or Nicknames: Pidge, Pidgeon, Gremlin.

Race: Human. Growing up in the Italy with Italian blood in her family bloodline.

Status: Paladin of the Green Lion

Age: 15.

Significant other: Single.

Weapon of choice: Electric Spade / Grappling Hook

Personality: A sassy personality, smarter than many kids her age, will throw herself in harms way to keep those she loves safe and sound. Has a soft spot for certain people. Is extremely close with her brother

Hunk Drury Garret

Preferred name(s) or Nicknames: Hunk, Hunkilicous, Hunk-a-bunk.

Race: Human. Samoan, grew up in Fiji and loves the culture.

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now