My angel

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"... Yeah, so I... I don't really know what to say right now, but I gotta keep you guys entertained so I've gotta- Oh crap! Shit, fuck, no..." I smacked myself in the face. "NEVER DIG STRAIGHT DOWN! That's what they always tell you, and what did I do? I dug straight down! Fuuuuuuuck... Well, at least it wasn't lava. I can still get my stuff back." I was about to hit the respawn button when I heard the front door open, and I perked up. "Hold on, I gotta get the door." I practically jumped out of my chair and ran through the apartment, grinning like a little kid. After what felt like an eternity at the hospital, Will was finally home! 

My smile only faded when I actually saw him, his curly blonde hair frazzled and disheveled, bright blue eyes now dull and unfocused, the smell of death radiating from his body. 

My heart dropped down into my stomach when I realized what must've happened, and I tentatively reached my hand out. "... Hey..." 

He looked over at me, forcing a smile. "Hi..." 

I walked closer to him, wordlessly pulling him into a hug, my face buried in his chest, which started to shake as he burst into tears, his own arms squeezing me so tightly I was hardly able to breathe. "I don't know what's wrong with me." 

"Hush, no... It's ok. You did everything you could." 

"How does this keep happening? Out of everyone else, I should be able to-" 

"Will, look at me." I looked up at him, reaching a hand to cup his face, my thumb wiping a tear off of his cheek. "Whatever happened back there... It wasn't your fault. Ok?" 

He started to weep again, and I could hardly stand to look at him. My heart shattered into a million pieces whenever I saw him like this, beating himself up for something he couldn't control. His back slid down the door and he hid his face in his hands, sobbing now. "I-I just... Feel so weak, a-and useless, and..."

I sat down with him, tears beginning to tug at my own eyes. "It's alright, just let it out."

And he did. He was a sobbing, screaming, blubbering mess for minutes that seemed to stretch on for hours, and for a while, I joined him. But after we'd both had a good cry, he was completely silent, staring off into space.

I tried to stand, but he held me back, like he didn't want me to leave him. Not even for a second. I squeezed him tight, looking back to the bedroom. "... Hey, Will?"


"Do you... Wanna sit in on my livestream?"

At that, the corners of his mouth slowly curved into a smile. "... That would be nice."

I stood up, leading him over to my desk and pulling up an extra chair, though he just sat in mine and looked up at me. "Do you wanna..." He patted his lap.

I laughed a bit, but obliged, sitting on top of him, his chin still able to rest on the top of my head, his arms wrapped around my waist. "You're such a dork." I muttered, turning back to kiss him on the cheek before turning back to my audience. "Oh, um... Hey, so sorry for the interruption, I had... More important things to attend to, specifically my boyfriend. Speaking of, here he is, in the flesh! I was gonna wait until 5k, but he's... He's had a crappy day, and he's a bit clingy right now, so... Here he is."

The entire chat exploded with welcome for Will, who never let go of me the whole way through. He seemed unable to get enough of me, every time there was a stopping point, he'd ask for a kiss, and I'd give it to him. And he kept calling me pet names, embarrassing, over-the-top, lovey-dovey pet names.

After I beat the ender dragon for the thousandth time, I ended the stream with my usual goodbyes and looked over at the clock, finding it was already 10:30 at night. I turned back to him. "Can you let me go, mia luce? Just long enough to make dinner?"

He groaned, holding me tighter. "Can't we just order pizza?"

"... Alright." I pulled out my phone and started dialing the number. "I'll still have to answer the door, you do realize that, right?"

"But I won't have to wait as long."

I sighed. "I love you."

He hugged me tighter. "I love you too, angel."

My angelWhere stories live. Discover now