1: The Kid In The Corner

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tw: this story deals with very sensitive topics such as self-harm and depression.
love you all!

Corey's POV

"Pretty sure vodka isn't a type of food, Frank!" Eloise said.

Well, here we are. Last month of senior year! I look around and see everyone and think, what happened? We were all so small just a few years ago and now we've changed.

Like, for example, Brooklyn used to bake cookies for everyone in kindergarten. Now she cooks edibles for the stoners. Dexter was a bit of a Power Rangers freak, and now he's varsity in baseball. And Cassidy, who was afraid of sliding down the slide. And now she slides down- doesn't matter.

The truth is, everyone is now someone different.

"Corey! Is everything in check?" Eloise asked me. I scanned over my papers. Caprisuns? Check! Blankets? Check! Snacks? Check! Onesies? Check check!!

"Yeppers!" I confirmed.

"Excellent. You're such a great class president!" Eloise patted my brown wavy hair.

"Everyone is coming, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. We even got Aisha to skip her pilates workout she always brags about." Eloise said.

Tonight is the Senior Sunset. It's an end of the year event for seniors where we all come together on the football field and watch the sunset together. There's games, snacks, and a place to make memories.

I looked around the room of our English class, trying to think of anyone we missed.

Then I saw him. The kid in the corner of the class. The one who's always quiet. The one who never talks and is never talked to.

"What about Damion?" I asked, referring to the mysterious fellow in the shadows.

"Uh-uh. Now way!" Frank said.

"Why? He's a part of our graduating class!" I said.

"Little man, it's Damion! Y'know, the 6'2 guy who could easily bend you in half! The one who just stopped talking to everyone three years ago. I even heard he fights for money cause of the bruises on his hands." Kaden said. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure he looks scary, but I'm sure the whole street fighting thing is just a rumor. I'm inviting him." I said.

"But-" Frank tried to add.

"No! As class president, it is my job to ensure all seniors have a fun last year at our school. I'm inviting Damion and that's final! Any objections?" I asked our group. Everyone shook their heads. Once again, I've asserted my dominance.

"Okay... but if he snaps and kills one of us, it's on you!" Ryker said.

"I'll make sure he doesn't." I said.

While everyone talked and discussed the event, I couldn't help but look at Damion. He does look kinda scary. He's tall, and who could miss those large biceps and muscles on his body. He has eye bags, probably from lack of sleep. And his knuckles are painted with new wounds that were on the verge of breaking open again.

But most of all, he looks sexy. His shaved face, his black hair, jet black might I add. His head was down to make sure he didn't look at anyone. But I looked at him. But not once did he look up.

The bell rang. I packed all my books and said goodbye to everyone. I turned and ran after Damion. He overshadowed my 5'8 frame.

"DAMION!" I yelled. He didn't turn so I yelled his name again. Only after the fifth call and making myself look crazy did he finally turn.

"I was talking to you!" I panted.

"What do you need?" He spoke in a dark and commanding voice. My legs shivered, from being scared and slightly turned on.

"Are you going to the Senior Sunset?" I asked.

"No." He said. He darted his eyes to the exit and looked like something was going on in his mind. Kinda like an internal conflict.

"Well, you're coming. Like, right now!" I said.

"But-" He tried to speak.

"No buts! This is our senior year. Let's have some fun!" I said. I began to tug on the hem of his black and tight fitting shirt.

"Come on, big guy! It'll be fun!" I said. I struggled to move him. He just stayed in place and muttered '30 minutes' and then sighed. He followed me, but made sure to groan to show his annoyance.

"There's gonna be alcohol..." I added. I could now feel him walking a bit faster.

"I don't have a say in any of this, huh?" He asked.

"OH! You spoke a whole sentence!" I said.

"Mmm." He growled.

"No, you don't. I am your class president! Might as well say Mr. President and salute me!" I said.

"How about Mr. Annoying." He mumbled. I let a small laugh out.

"So he makes jokes too!" I said.

I finally let go of his shirt and he walked alongside me. A lot of people gave us weird looks. I mean, it's just the class president walking with the tallest, strongest, and quietest person. Nothing to be concerned about.

"I just have to warn you, my friends are very annoying." I said.

"Makes sense why they're your friend." He said.

"Anyways," I rolled my eyes. "Just act normal!" I said.

"Would that be before or after they run away from me?" He asked. I rubbed his strong arms.

"They won't run away, I'll make sure of it." I said. He mumbled and followed me, hesitantly.


first chapter! so excited for the short story!

bye! i love you all!


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