The Titan's Curse

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Y/N And The Great Myths
- Book 3
Noah "Noelle" M.H.

Your Grand (y/n) re-encounters his long missed parent in a mission to save a new half-blood, but in return, loses a close friend on the same day. How will he handle having to  hunt around for both of the girls, after he discover both of them have been captured by the great titan Kronos?

𐌙/𐌍 Ᏽ𐌵𐌀𐌋𐌄 & 𐌕𐋅𐌄 Ᏽ𐌐𐌄𐌀𐌕 𐌌𐌙𐌕𐋅𐌔 ¹Where stories live. Discover now