Chapter One

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I can't believe him. Nashi drags me through the mountains telling me about an old cave with ancient relics and treasure, but when we finally reach our destination, the so called "Cave Of Everlasting Power", is nowhere to be found. There's nothing but an old oak tree and loads and loads of dirt. I guess I should've expected this. Something inside me was telling me that there actually was something out here, but I suppose it was just a little shoulder devil, driving me in the wrong direction.

Of course, I couldn't let him go alone, he's my brother and if anything happened to him, well, I just wouldn't be able to live with myself.

My name is Maa, short for Maachathi. I have short, red hair and blue eyes. Nashi is my twin brother. You can't tell us apart at first glance. I've always hated that. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I for one hate being mistaken for someone I'm not. So, basically, Nashi is my eternal curse.

"So, now what? Just return home empty handed?!" I complained.

"Well, what else can we do?" Nashi replied, kicking the dry dirt beneath our feet.

I hate to admit it, but he's right. The only thing we can do it start walking home. Maybe we might find something shiny on the journey back.

My home isn't your average household. Nashi and I, both live at the Blue House Guild in the land of Forgotten Past. There are a total of 9 guilds in the land, each dedicated to helping the citizens and keeping the streets safe.

In every guild, each member is given a mythical creature, which they are known as. Mine is the pheonix and Nashi's is the dragon. Both relating to fire. Aakil, our guild master, says it's because we both have a fiery personality, but I think it has more to do with the color of our hair.

I really love our guild, I always feel welcome and safe. I can't wait to get back already.

"Nashi, my legs hurt" I groaned.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it. I don't know healing magic" he said.

"Well, then maybe you shou---" I was cut off by the sounds of footsteps closing in around us.

I looked around. At first I had trouble making out who they were. Until, I saw the symbol on each of their jackets. It was the Horned Mercenary Gang. A group of thugs who enjoy nothing but stealing and murder.

I got out my sword and glared into each of their filthy eyes.

"What do you know? I thought I smelled some rats."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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