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Sarada POV

"Truth or dare, Sarada?"


"I dare you to prank call Boruto Uzumaki"

"Chocho! Do you want Sarada to die!?" Said sumire

"That'd be funny" said himawari with a smirk on her face

"Okay I'll do it, give me his number" Sarada said while getting himawari's phone "Also, who should I be in the prank call?"

"Pizza guy!"


"One of his fangirls!"

"Okay I'm dialing the number everyone shut up" said Sarada while calling Boruto

"Uh hello?" Said Boruto on the phone

"Oh, hi Boruto-kun" said Sarada pitching up her voice "I was wondering if I could  come to your house so I can get my red panties back..."

"Okay funny joke. Who are you?"

"B-Boruto-kun, do you not remember me?"

"I've never slept with you in my life"

"But Boruto-kun! You did!"

With that Boruto hung up the phone

Everyone started laughing their asses off,including Sarada, which is kinda rare

Sarada got a notification, she looked at her phone


Dear panties girl

who are you??

Dear mr.playboy

I'm not sure if I should tell you

Dear mystery girl

How about you give me clues instead?

Dear mister curious

I'll give you 30 days to realize who I am, if you Don't know by then,you have to stop playing girls around, but if you know who I am , I'll become your girlfriend

Dear girl who will sleep with me

How am I supposed to guess if I don't know anything about you?

Dear jackass

I'll give you one clue each day. Do we have a deal?

Dear miss challenging

We sure do.


"Sarada-chan who are you talking to?" Himawari asked

"My mom texted me, nothing serious, just asked when I was coming home"

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