Chapter 1: The Boy in the Robes

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March 20, 2014

"There's something...something coming"

"What is it?"

"It's the Demobat"

"It's not the Demobat"

"And...Boom! It's the Demobat!"A twelve year old girl said, slamming the figure of the so called "Demobat" on the board. The girl's name was Willow Wheeler, the only child of Mike and Jane Wheeler, she had dark brown hair and brown eyes and she was playing a homemade game that was made by her father with her friends. The game was based off of Dungeons & Dragons but the characters were very different.

"Oh, we're in deep shit"Another twelve year old said, taking off his baseball cap and putting his free hand on his forehead. This boy's name was Eddie Henderson, the only child of Dustin and Suzie Henderson, he was the spitting image of his father.

"Cast a spell! Use a fire one!"Another twelve year old said, waving his hands frantically. This boy's name was Joesph Buckley, the adopted child and only son of Robin and Vickie Buckley, he is a red head, blue eyes, and he's fair-skinned.

"No way! What if he misses, then we're screwed!"Eddie said

"Don't be a pussy! Go for it!"Joe said

"The Demobats are disgruntled by your insufferable human bickering. It swoops towards Eddie, looking to kill him first"Willow said

"It's now or never! Do it Caleb!"Joe said, staring at an eleven year old boy who was next to him. The boy he was looking at had large red hair, brown colored eyes, and was light-skinned. This was Caleb Sinclair, the youngest child and only son of Lucas Sinclair and his wife Max.

"Ok, I cast a fire spell"Caleb said

"Ok, now roll, if you roll an eleven then it's a hit, anything other than that, it's a miss and the Demobat calls for backup and..."Willow slowly drags her finger across her neck.

Caleb is stared at eagerly by Joe and Eddie. Caleb picks up the twenty-sides dice, he shakes it in his hands before throwing it a little too hard and it gets sent flying.

"Oh shit!"Eddie said

"Come on, we've got to find it!"Joe said

The four of them searched frantically for the dice.

"Willow! Willow!"

"Your Mom's calling you"Eddie said

"Yeah, I think I know that"Willow said sarcastically.


"Coming!!"Willow said angrily before stomping up the stairs. Willow entered the kitchen where she found her mother, Jane, arms crossed over her chest. "Yes?"

"Do you have any idea what time it is? It's time to go to sleep"Jane said

"Come on, we're almost done. How was I supposed to know that the campaign would go on for..."Willow looked at the clock, it was 12:16. "Fifteen hours...look if you just gave us about ten more minutes then-"

"It's a school night. It's time to end your campaign"Jane said

"Fine, but you can't send them home at this time of night. Can they please stay over?"Willow asked. "Please, Mom"

Brown met brown, Jane and her daughter shared glances before she sighed. "Fine, I'll call their parents, but go to sleep now"

"Okay, thanks Mom"Willow said before going down to the basement.

"Caleb rolled the dice, Eddie's still alive, the Demobat's dead!"Joe said

"Good, but we have to go to sleep now. My Mom said you guys can sleep over, she's calling your parents right now"Willow said. "Come and help me get the sleeping bags"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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