1. Saved my life

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My breath was fast and heavy as I ran down the stone path. Tall buildings towered on either side of me, and the path was very narrow. Looking behind me I didn't see anyone, so I stoped to catch my breath thinking I'd lost them.

I was running from the guards of the castle. I tried to sneak in hoping to talk to the king. I wanted to talk him into letting me look for the prince, but as you can see that was a ridiculous idea.

I heard yelling and foot steps from afar and cursed under my breath. I start running down the path, and eventually reach an opening. There was a river that speed through the opening, and unfortunately no bridge. I was screwed unless I could figure out a way to cross the gap.

I pull my backpack off from by shoulders unzipping it, and look through it searching for anything useful. "Forgot I had this." I mumbled, as I pulled out a small hookshot. I shot it at a tree that was on the other side, and the hook flung towards it. It hooked onto the branch, and I pulled back to test the grip of it.

"PERFECT!" I yelled, hearing footsteps quickly approach from behind me. I pulled the trigger and was flung forward towards the tree. The rope of the hookshot snapped just as I made it to the other side. I fell to the ground tumbling and hit a wall. "SHIT FUCK THAT HURT!"

I smirk, turning back to look at the guards. I gave them the finger as they all stop at the gap. " Mark my words we will catch you woman." The lead Guard yelled.

" I have a name stupid. It's Raine" I said rolling my eyes, and with that I turned and ran off. I knew I was good for now, but they would find me eventually.

As I walked along a randome path I found myself at an abandoned house. It had the large sighn that read "Abandoned". The king has ordered to post these signs on all abandoned houses. It seemed to be at least 2 stories tall. This would have to do for now. I didn't actually live anywhere anyway, and even if I did there was no way I could ever go back.

I walk up to the door reaching to open it, but it was stuck closed. I let out a deep sigh and kick the door in with a loud thud. It was dusty but I didn't see any mold. In that room at least. It seemed to only been reacently abandoned.

I carefully make my way up the stares and walk into the first bedroom. The doors inside seemed to work fine luckily. What shocked me the most was that the house was still fully furnished. There was a large  bed in the room, and folded on the nightstand was a bed set. Sheets, blanket, pillowcase, and all. There was a thick amount of dust on the top and sides, but if I cleaned that off I could easily use it.

I pulled out my small handheld vacuum and sucked the dust from the bed set, the bed, and pillows. I then set up the bed and lay down on it. The blue moon shone up in the night sky. I eventually drift off to sleep. Resting comfortably for the entire night.

I was woke by a loud bang from outside, and I fell out of the bed. "What the fuck!?" I cursed. I stand up and run to look out the window, and there was my big problem. I was absolutely surounded. Guards at every possible exit.

I was royaly fucked at this point, and I had two options. Go outside and give myself up, or wait here until they break in and inevitably find me. Either way theyr gonna kill me.

(Hahaha. Royally fucked. Get it? Cos-Cos theyr royal guard's and....... Ok I'll shut up now)

I didn't want to die! I didn't want to die at all, but I really had no choice. I decide to hide by the bed where they can't see me from the door or the window. In hopes that  they won't thoroughly search the rooms.

I tried not to cry as I heard the loud thomping of footsteps. Was my life really gonna end now? All I wanted to do was help them find the prince, and now they were trying to kill me. It's not like they knew that though. All they knew was I was trying to sneak into the castle.

I was really going to die soon. I had barely even lived my life yet. I was only 23 years old. I was still young and yet I threw my life away in hopes to find some prince, and for what? A chance to have a less poor life. I can't beleave I even thought there was a chance I could get that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a robotic voice, and creaking of wood coming from the left of me. I look over and saw a dust covered person walk out of the closet. No, that's not a person that's a robot. They were those robots the king had made that looked like normal humans. It stepped towards me and I backed off, unsure of how to feel about it.

That's when the door was kicked down and several guards walked into the room. "Your surrounded so just give up. We shall commence with your exicusion." The lead Guard said. "Robot, grab her." He ordered.

Great, now he is using the robot on me. All the robots had voice censors that forced them to listen to the voice of all the guards.

The robot turned to face the guard, and frowned. " I do not follow orders." It replied in it's robotic voice.


" Why do you continue to command me? I do not follow orders." The robot answered.

The guard was obviously annoyed by this, so he pulled out his gun and aimed it at me. "FINE, I'LL KILL HER MYSELF." he yelled, pulling the trigger. I closed my eyes waiting to feel the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see the robot in front of me. "WHAT THE HELL"

I could barely comprehend what was happening. The robot rushed forward and began to fight and kill all the guards. Even after being hit and shot several times he continued to protect me, and all I did was watch in shock.

Why was a robot, an artificial intelligence. fighting to protect me. Before I could even react properly all the guards were dead. The beat up robot turned to me, and extended it's shakey hand. "C-c-come. with...... Me" it said in a muffled, glitchy, robotic voice. I could barely understand it.

I reluctantly grabbed it's hand, and it pulled me onto it's back carrying me. It ran out of the house, and I just closed my eyes feeling tears fall down my cheeks. Where was it taking me? Why was I trusting this robot? It's not like I had any choice. I owed my life to this robot. It? no he. He saved me.

After what he did for me I'll go anywhere with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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