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First story woohoo!

Idk much about royalty so I tried

George Pov:

I sat down on a chair reading my book and enjoying the peace until it got inturupted "My Queen im so sorry for disturbing you but the King needs you in his office" "It's ok thank you for telling me" I closed my book and put it to the side as i got up and started walking to the kings office

When i reached the King's office i knocked on it before hear someone speak "come in" I opened the door slightly seeing the King doing paper work "Hello honey have a seat" he gave me a smile as I sat down

I sat down on the chair infront of the desk and we both stared talking

(Time skip // basically they just talked about work and stuff)

"Hey we should eat dinner now im getting hungry" "Alright let's go" dream(the king) said as he stood up, I also stood up and we walked into the hallway

(After dinner)

"It's getting late now we should head to bed" "your right we should" we both stood up and began heading to our bedrooms

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips before entering his room "Goodnight love" "Goodnight" I said before entering my room and went to bed

Thats all I for now, I'll try to make more chapters 'soon'

BTW George was 5 months pregnant at this time

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