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     Running, that was all she could think of at this moment. Her hair lashed her face and the low hanging branches left painful, pink markings on her body as she pushed through them. The autumn leaves crunched beneath her, and anxiety swelled within her as she began to hear the footsteps of her assailants. Any thoughts other than survival escaped her.
      In her frantic state, the adrenaline masked the effects of the chase, but it could only keep her going for so long. The strain she was putting on her legs to keep going was starting to get to her and her pace began to slow down. The cold air clawed at her lungs and she slowed to a jog as the bitter, cold air started making her shiver and she struggled with her body to continue on.

      Her thoughts began to race. I have to keep going. I have to remember.

      She shook the thoughts away and attempted to continue. But the world around her began to slow down and the ground beneath her fell away into darkness. She was floating. Weightless. In a void all her own.
      It had escaped her again. The memory. As it always did. As they always do. It seemed as if she would never reclaim them. She'd become accustomed to the frustration they brought when she'd get a step closer or a tree further than last time but was given nothing in return for her efforts. Another failure, and another peaceful moment in the void of her mind to suffocate herself in her self doubt and inferiority.
      So badly did she want to find her truth within the seemingly impenetrable, locked box that was her subconscious mind. Nights like this had become an unending battle for her and she just couldn't stop fighting for them. But it was a battle she'd have to wait for, unfortunately. She could feel the fading numbness now, and the cold tendrils of consciousness were flickering upon the precipice as she rose to the surface.

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