The Scarlet Rose.

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Running, that's all I can do now, all I can do now is keep running, just run, run, run!
I thought to myself as the elf guards where chasing me, holding their arrows to their bows, ready to shoot. My feet were tripping over each other, and eventually going to fall dead. But I had to keep running, just because you make a friend with a giant doesn't mean you have to be run out of the village! Sometimes we really are hopeless...
The ground vanished beneath my feet as I fell face-forward towards the, copper, golden, hard sand. I looked behind me and saw that there was no way to defeat the upcoming, roaring, elf guards as they came charging like bulls on the horizon, up to me. I could feel their footsteps as they circled around me, pointing their arrows at my head.
Suddenly a shadow appeared, a shadow ready to pounce, ready to destroy all those in its path. The shadow moved like light, as it quickly demolished the elfin guards. I looked up for a quick moment to see if it was going to kill me also, but to my surprise, there was a hand, a hand that brought light and hope to the surroundings.

I grabbed the hand and pulled myself up. "Thank you sir, whom might you be?"

The light shone on his face as he replied, " My name is Fireon500, but you can call me Fire, who are you?" He said smiling.

"My name is Taysai, you may call me as you wish."

"How about I call you Tay if you call me Fire?"

"Ok, Fire."

The boat rocked as it roughly sailed across the sea. "So, Tay, how did that happen?" spoke fire with a voice of silk.

"Uhh, well sorta befriended a giant and then one of our spies saw me and told my parents, things did not turn out well..." I replied, hiding my blushing face.

"That's expectable, so one other question, what weapon do you major in?"

"Umm, I don't really know... I just became old enough to choose a weapon but then that whole thing started up and yeah..."

"Well how about I train you in two major weapons, since you're a elf archery would be great for you, but you also need a close combat weapon, how about a sword?"

"Uhh you sure I would be good at it?"

"You have the stamina for both, come here for a moment."
I went over the boat carefully and sat beside him, his breath smelt like the winter on a fresh rain-fall morning. He was holding something in his hand, it's shape was hard to make out because of the way he was holding it. He opened up his hand, and in it was a single, scarlet, rose. He drew my head closer, and spoke with a voice full of emotion,

"This is for you, I found it while they where chasing you, a single rose, in a desert of sand and misery. And then when I saw you, I knew this was meant for you..."
My eyes met his as he spoke, his eyes where as dark as the sea, filled with love and tenderness.

"Really? You kept it this long? Just so that you can give it to me?" I asked in surprise.

"Mhm, and I also have two more things for you..." He said as he pulled out his bag, and reached in bringing out a silver, pink, metal bow, and a simple, smooth, sword, with an elegant look to it.

"These are for me? Are you sure? They look like they would cost alot..." I said as I marvelled at the work of each weapon.

"Mhm, that bow is a black dragon knight bow, the attack on that is very high, and that sword is a royal pumpkin rapier, also has a very high attack. And the cost is no worry to you, my friends and I will train you to master these two weapons as soon as we port."

"I hope I won't be a burden to any of them, I am really thank full for what you have done for me, if you did not appear I would be dead by now!"

"You won't be a burden to any of them, and it was my pleasure, My lady."

The Scarlet Rose Series.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon