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The four of them start to follow the crows

Tanjiro was carrying Zenitsu on his back while Michirou carrying the box

" Fight me!!!" Inosuke said

" I swear I'm gonna find a weak point and take you down. Loser!!" Inosuke said while in fighting stance by wiggling his arm weirdly

" My name is not a loser!! My name is Kamado Tanjiro!!" Tanjiro yelled

Michirou just keep walking and trying not to laugh

" Kamaboko Gonpanchiro....I'm gonna bring you down..." Inosuke said

" Who the hell are you talking about!!" Tanjiro yelled

" That'd be you!!" Inosuke said

" I don't know anyone by that name...." Tanjiro yelled back

" HYAA!!!! Can you just shut up!!" Zenitsu yelled

Michirou just laugh out loud

' this is the funny scene that I heard..' Michirou thought

" Why in the hell are you laughing.....!?" Inosuke said

" Kamaboko Gonpanchiro.....?...." Michirou repeated

Michirou started to run while laughing like a kid even forgot about sleeping

" Hey..!!! Wait us Michirou!!" Tanjiro yelled

" I'm gonna be first than you....kungchiro!!!" Inosuke yelled as he followed her

Michirou didn't heard Inosuke since she's too far away and still laughing

After few minutes they reach the wisteria house

The two crows landed on Michirou and Tanjiro's hand

" CAW!! CAW!! Rest until your wounds healed!!" The two crows said

" We can rest....?" Tanjiro said

' Finally....Rest....' Michirou thought as she sigh

The gate suddenly opened by the old woman

The crows fly away

" Hello...." The old lady said

" Sorry to arrive so late " tanjiro said

" KYAAAAA!!  It's a monster!! A monster!!" Zenitsu yelled

" Knock it off!!" Tanjiro said

" She looks so weak...." Inosuke said as he flicked the old woman's hair

Michirou just staring at the sky

' today was a wonderful day even though I didn't sleep but I ate.....and this stars are beautiful.....' Michirou thought

" You must be a demon slayers..... please come in..." The old lady said

They come in to follow the lady

" Michirou...." Tanjiro called since he noticed that the girl was staring at the sky

" Yes....." Michirou said

" Let's go...." Tanjiro said while smiling

" Okay...." Michirou said as she walk lazily

The oldy lady give us the clothes and change what are we wearing

' this clothes was comfortable....' Michirou thought

Then she walk in the hallway and Open the door and saw they already eating

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now