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It was a beautiful spring when we met.

You were dancing around with your friends in the open court at the park. Laughing and making fun of each other. I noticed the two piercing dimples on your cheek, the way your eyes disappear when you smile, the way your nose scrunches up when you're disgusted- it was all so beautiful. You were so beautiful. My friends patted my back saying I looked like a creep staring at you like that. I didn't notice you were staring at me, your cheeks now a slight tint of pink, your smile small, and your hands shy as you waved. I waved back and right away I was in front of you. My friends had dragged me to you, into your halo. I remember looking like an idiot, stuttering and shaky hands as I got your number. My phone falling and you catching it. I felt like a total kid who first discovered what a crush was. I couldn't help it, you were the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I don't think I've ever seen someone more beautiful than you.

I was surprised you took my shaky and probably sweaty hand and shook it. I even thought of not washing my hands. Why? Because it smelt like strawberries. Yup, I was weird.

We went back not long after because Chan had errands to attend to. We quickly said our goodbyes, sharing a long eye contact before they pulled me away from your halo.

The next time we met was during summer.

It was so hot; I felt my limbs melting away at the heat. It was a surprise really. Chan had mentioned that one of your friends, Seungmin, was his boyfriend. Talk about coincidence, right? He had invited you guys to come join us at the private beach Changbin owned. I wasn't even informed you guys were tagging along. And again, I had embarrassed myself in front of you when Minho had healed an eggplant at my face demanding I will eat whatever he cooks, or I won't eat at all- especially the eggplant he was holding. I had thrown a huge fit only to turn my head around to see you laughing like an angel you were. I wished the ground open up and eat me whole. I had made the worst first impression, now adding to that the second time we met. How fantastic. But then again, I saw you laugh. I was instantly addicted. I did everything I could to make you laugh, forgetting my own pride and image. And I succeeded. I did hope I might have charmed you despite looking like a complete airhead just to see your precious dimples once again.

And it worked. We shared a walk with the moon and stars third wheeling and watching our romance blossom. It also witnessed your lips on my cheeks and running back to your friends right after. I stood there like a pole, cemented in place. I knew they were going to make a huge deal about my tomato face so I sat there for a good minute before walking back. Although it was an obvious fail, because when we locked eyes, I felt the familiar heat rush to my cheeks that now traveled to my neck and already I could hear Minho pointing at it shouting at how the fires red looked cheap compared to my face. It was embarrassing, again. but then they also teased your soft pink cheeks so I guess it was even?

We separated the next day promising a date next week. Just us two. They were cheering from a far but we didn't care at that moment. It was just me and you, alone in our own little bubble. I loved that feeling.

The next time we shared that little bubble was during our first anniversary in the autumn.

I had asked my friends to help me surprise you with a picnic at Chans family farm that was owned by his sister's husband. It was in Busan, where you grew up. I was so excited I felt like vomiting my guts out. But they assured my you'd love it. I was in doubt but when I saw the sparkles in your eyes and how you ran up to me with your hands in the air, I felt my lungs tighten and you blew me away. I almost let go of the rose I picked for you. Chan's sister had told me a single rose meant 'I love you' and I was scared to say it. but I knew you loved flowers, spending your time with Chan's sister studying the language of flowers. I was in doubt still, but then you teared up when I presented the flower to you, all my doubts and worries washed away by the wind which were your lips. We forgot them at that exact moment, just staring at each other. Our love was overflowing that I was afraid that one day it would overflow to the point where it was gone. I wished to every god that it would never happen to us. that we will forever be in love until our last breath. We were so happy, so in love. We cried as we shared a long kiss before heading back to the house enjoying the company of friends turned family, and the warmed we shared under a blanket. We were happy, in love, and content. I knew we would last till the end.

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