Secrets to Keeping Your Diamond Sparkling

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There's no better feeling than watching your new diamond rings in Provo dance and sparkle in the light and you want to ensure that your ring stays new and shiny for a long time. While you can take your ring to a professional jeweler from time to time to get it cleaned, repaired, and maintained, you also need to clean it at home between professional cleanings.

Certain things like dust, dirt, body oils, product buildup, and cosmetics can gather on your ring and cause it to dull and lose its sparkle. Not only this but bacteria can form between the band and your skin and lead to rashes and irritation if not cleaned regularly.

Daily cleaning can help remove all the layers of dirt and keeps your ring looking new and shiny for years to come.

Tips to clean your diamond at home

If your wedding rings for women in Provo have been dirtied with common cosmetics like perfume, lotion, or hairspray, all you need to do is make a simple solution of warm water with a couple of drops of a gentle detergent and soak your ring for around twenty minutes depending on how dirty it is.

You can then take a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently clean the area between the band and gemstone as well as in-between the setting and then rinse it under warm running water.

Avoid using paper towels or cloths as they can scratch the metal instead use a clean microfiber cloth to dry your ring or allow it to air dry before wearing it. Most couples clean their ring once a week, however, if you tend to use your hands a lot for your work it's better to clean it twice a week.

Most men's wedding rings in Utah can get dirty quickly, especially if your partner leads a high-impact lifestyle and so you can check if your local jeweler has some professional-grade products you can use.

In Summary

It's always a good idea to store your ring safely away when handling household cleaners, abrasives, or even cleaning, cooking, showering, swimming, gardening, or exercising as this can not only scratch your metal but loosen your setting and cause the gemstone to fall out. Add a couple of trinket dishes around the house like in your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom so that you know where your ring is at all times.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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