my 7th rose

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Taeil woke up to a faint noise outside, he groaned but got out. He was wearing his roommates oversized shirt (probably Jaehyo to tease him) and his maroon boxer. He rubbed his eyes to find the culprit of the noise that woke him up.

It was Jihoon.

Jihoon who was surprisingly awake this early, Jihoon who was... cooking? Taeil walked a little closer, his light and small foot quiet as he watched his other roommate stumble in their shared kitchen and looking like he's trying to find the flour. Which was right in front of his face. Taeil chuckled and that seemed to catch the youngers attention.

"Hyung! I didn't know you were up-" his elbow knocked the bag of flour, luckily it didn't fall off the counter, just small portions of the white powder glittered the counter top. Jihoon laughed weakly at the elder, his shoulders rising, "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Of course. Taeil wanted to say but seeing how nervous and adorable Jihoon looked every time he embarrassed himself, stopped him. He simply smiled and shook his head. But before he could assure the younger, the owner of the shirt he was wearing walked in, his foot making heavy thuds as he came closer.

"Well, you certainly woke me up," he groaned before heading to the coffee maker. Taeil gave him a look before turning to the youngest who was almost as tall as he was, patted his shoulder before giving him a sleepy smile, "But it's alright, I need to leave in an hour too so, thanks Jihoonie."

Jihoon beamed just as the coffee maker poured out Jaehyos coffee in his small cup with a unicorn. Then excused himself to get a loaf of bread and toast it.

Jihoon proceeded to sift the flour in a metal mixing bowl. Taeil made his way to Jaehyo and softly punched his shoulder, which the other didn't take lightly.

"Hyung! That hurts you know, just because you're short doesn't mean your built isn't." Taeil was ready to throw another when Jaehyo raised his hands in surrender. When the elder knew he wouldn't run his bitchy morning mouth he looked back at jihoon. Jaehyo followed his gaze before rolling his eyes and placing his toasted bread on a plate and lathering it with butter. "So, you're finally telling him?"

Taeil pursed his lips watching Jihoon mix the egg, his eyes going wide when a hint of flour had fallen to the counter, he hurried and grabbed a rag to eliminate it only for him to do it again a second later. He pouted and Taeil had to force himself to look back at Jaehyos knowing gaze.

"Well actually I was thinking tomorrow." He took a sip of Jaehyo's brewed coffee and grimacing, "That's too sweet." The younger gasped and covered his coffee with a small piece of his bitten bread. "Since it's his birthday." His eye straying back to the youngest, debating still if he should shove Jihoon out and make the batter himself.

"Yeah, and ruin his birthday?" toasing yet another slice of bread, "You know the gangs going to be there, right? Are you so into him that you'd sacrifice your dignity and face public humiliation? The embarrassment hyung, you really think you can go through that?" his words a contrast to the soft tone of his voice. No bite, just teasing.

Taeil looked back at him, the latter smiling smugly at the elder's realization. "Hyung are you that old already? We're celebrating it at Jiho and Kyungs place, and we all know how many friends those two idiots have, they'd probably have around 10 or more people besides us 7 there." Jaehyo decided to spread strawberry jam instead and handed it to Taeil. "That's around 17 to 20 people hyung."

Taeil groaned and took a small bite, "I could just steal him for a few seconds and tell him!" he half whispered half yelled. But only earned an exasperated sigh from the other.

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