Humanity a shit storm

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By Katelynn Cramer
Humanity is a shit storm

And one day all of this will be gone

Yes, the very earth that you walk on , the soft soil you loved so much as a child

It'll all be gone

And why ?

Because humanity is a shit storm

We humans we truly are stupid

Such a naive and idiot scientific species

We spend our millions on poisoning the very rivers and oceans we drink from

Scientists report everywhere with the headlines, the earths water becoming more toxic, and so is the air

And what do we do about it

We build rocket ships because we are too useless to save our own planet

Idiots i tell you the more they realise that they are killing the planet

The more they build stuff that will only contribute to the pollution in the air

Poisoning their own children and themselves..... ha, how stupid humans truly are

Making the innocent sweet animals suffer

Why, you ask, i don't know, maybe because we are a selfish, useless, messed up species who doesn't deserve to live at all.

How stupid humans truly are

They call themselves SUPERIOR when really the animals on their own planet are smarter than them . Animals who are supposedly stupid, according to most of mankind don't leave garbage everywhere they walk, but the so-called superior human species is simply able to cause pollution by breathing.

Humanity truly is disgusting cause they are just another ticking time bomb waiting to kill themselves.

Ahh yes Humanity the Shit storm, but it can change if the people with the millions would just listen, but we both know that's not gonna happen.

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