Chapter 1

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Beep!... Beep!... Beep!... Is what I'm woken up to. Peter, my twin brother turns off the alarm before climbing down the ladder of our bunk bed. "Come on Y/n, you need to wake up." Peter says as he walks into our bathroom to get ready. I lay in my bed for another 5 minutes before I finally decide to get ready. I get changed out of my pj's and into a white t-shirt with a checkered shirt which was black and red, and a pair of black jeans that has holes on them. I had just finished putting my socks on when Peter walked out of the bathroom in his clothes with wet hair. "Morning Y/n" Peter said smiling at me as he walked over to the desk to grab a few books that he needs for school, before turning around to face me as he gives me my school books as well. "Morning Peter" I say as I reach over and take my books and place them on the bed next to me. "So the plan for today. We got that meeting with Mr Stark after school to go meet the Avengers. So Mr Stark said he will be sending Happy to pick us up from school and take us to Stark Tower, okay?" Peter tells me as he gets all his school books and puts them in his school bag. "Okay, do we need to bring our suits with us?" I asked Peter as I move my bag and books onto the floor so I can make my bed. "Yeah, Mr Stark has asked for us to bring our suits with us." Peter answers as he goes over to the little door in the ceiling/ roof, pushing it up which allows both of our suits to fall out. Grabbing both of them before he walked over and gave me my suit to put in my bag as he does the same with his one. Just as we're both done packing our bags we hear our Aunt May telling us breakfast is ready.

Peter and I walk out of our room with our bags as we make our way into the kitchen where we see our Aunt May placing two plates down on the table for us. We make our way over to the table, as we take our seats so does Aunt May. "Morning Peter, morning Y/n. Did you both sleep well?" Our Aunt May asked. "Yeah thank you" Peter says as I nod my head along with Peter. We all start eating breakfast before Aunt May askes, "Y/n have you taken your meds yet?" I look up before shaking my head as I reach into my bag to get my meds out to take. Now you may be wondering why I need to take meds well its because I have anxiety and depression, well its more anxiety but yeah you know what I mean. Oh I'm also autistic, sounds fun right! After I take my meds we finish our breakfast, before we leave we say our goodbyes to our Aunt May as we leave to head to school.

Once we arrive at school we make our way to our lockers which so happen to be next to one another. There we meet our friends Ned and Mj. "Hey Peter, Hey Y/n" Ned and Mj said. "Hey guys" Peter says as I nod along with what he was saying. When we finished getting the things that we need for our lessons we make our way to first lesson which so happens to be science. As we all walked to science, Peter and Ned walked in front as me and Mj walked behind them. "You okay Y/n? You've been quiet all morning" Mj said only now catching my attention, causing me to look at her before turning away again and nodding my head as I start to fidget with my fingers. "Is it just one of those days?" Mj asked which I just nod too once again. When Mj said 'is it one of those days' she means is it one of my mute days. Because of my autism I get some days that are more challenging than others. Sometimes everything just gets too much and I end up getting overwhelmed which sometimes depending on what's happening can led to either going mute or if its really bad I end up having a meltdown. When I'm in one of these things happen I only trust a few people to help me when I'm in that situation and those people are Mj, Peter and my Aunt May. Anyway now only just realised that I've stopped walking and that Mj is now infront of me with a worried look on her face. "You okay?" She gently asked which I nod with a slight smile on my face to show her that I'm okay. "Okay, shall we go to science now?" Mj asked me which now I just realised we are late for. I nod and we both make our way to class.

A couple of hours later and school is finished. Me and Peter said our goodbyes to Mj and Ned before we made our way over to Happy who was standing beside a car waiting for us. "Mr and Miss Parker, hello." Happy greats us. "Happy we told you, you can call us Peter and Y/n." Peter tells Happy as he opens the door to allow us to get into the car. As we are in the car driving to Stark Tower I start to get nervous which cause me to start to slightly stim which Peter quickly noticed and gently took my hands to stop me from hurting myself with the stimming. "You okay Y/n?" Peter asked making sure I was okay, I looked up at him for a second before turning away and quietly saying "Nervous." Peter nods before saying "It's okay there's nothing to be nervous about okay?" I nod my head taking in what he had just said, it did calm my nerves a bit but I'm still nervous so I start to play with Peter's fingers that are still holding my hands, but he doesn't seem to mind. Something you need to know about Peter is that he is very understanding of the things that I have to deal with, even though he doesn't understand it fully he tries his best to help me when ever he can and that's what I love about him. He's probably the best big brother that I could ever ask for even if he is 7 minutes older than me.

After a few more minutes we are pulling up infront of Stark Tower. As we are about to get out of the car we are stopped by Happy. "Before you both get out I have something for Y/n. Mr Stark asked me to give this to you." Happy said as he passed a small ish box back and pulling out what is inside of the box. "Well when Mr Stark found out about Y/n's autism and that somethings such as loud noises are more sensitive for them so he decided to make her some noise cancelling headphones to wear when you guys come here as it can get a bit loud here." Happy explains as I place the headphones on and oh my God these things are amazing. A smile appears on my face as I turn to face Peter to who is also smiling at me, he slowly moves his hands up to the headphones and gently takes them off my head. "You like them?" Peter asked with a smile, I nod with a big smile on my face before turning to Happy and quietly saying "Thank you Happy." With a smile on my face as I look back down at the headphones which I now noticed that the headphones are now red and black which so happen to be my two favorite colours. "You two ready to head in?" Happy asked. We both nod with a smile. With that Happy got out of the cat to open the door, me and Peter both get out of the car and look up at Stark Tower. "You ready?" Peter asked. I smile and nod, with that I put my headphones on and we follow Happy into Stark Tower.

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