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The light streamed from my window onto my face I grumbled and tried to hide my face but the covers were ripped of me "wake up lazy bum" my older sister Katherine aka Kat joked "I'm serious I have water" "you wouldn't dare"

I mumbled into my pillow suddenly I felt this huge wave of ice cold water thrown on me i then jolted right up to see it wasn't JUST my sister it was also Luke,Bryan, Rose and her boyfriend Kevin.

Great. "oh my god y-you should have seen your f-face." Rose laughed "hardy har har" I scowled sarcastically "why are you guys here anyway?" I asked getting out of my very wet bed

"you forgot?" Luke asked I forgot he was here oh so he must of seen that little episode a blush crept into my face as I averted my gaze

"today we're going to the lake house" oh I suddenly got this shiver up my spine the last time I was there I was 12 it's been a long time. "oh yeah u guys go I have to shower" "i think you already did." Bryan retorted I then glared at them good.bye.

After I had showered I dressed and met them and my parents down stairs and we assembled into the cars packing our luggage. my parents were going in their car and the six of us were going in Kats car which was a red Toyota and let me tell you that metal thing was her baby she worshiped it.

Before we could get in Kat practically lunged herself at it and lectured about it. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one rolling my eyes. We had just hit the road when Bryan started bouncing in his seat.

"guys look what I brought" he showed us a box that looked like some board game that is if you believe the ouija board is a game. "Bryan I hissed we can't play with that." "why not?" "Wha- it's dangerous that's why"

"Lighten up Em" Rose added "I have to agree with Rose" Kat said "but-" "no buts are you in or not "yep" rose popped the p "count me in" Bryan added "me two." "me three" Kevin and Luke said "Em?" I...I'm in."

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