slushie war

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Rachel opened the doors of her new school, McKinley High. She walked down the hall and discovered a slushie machine. It had been years since she had had a slushie so she got her childhood favorite: grape. She took the slushie and started down the hall. She wasn't looking where she was going so she ran right into someone. Noah Puckerman. As she ran into Noah, the slushie spilled and got all over her shirt. "Watch it Dwarf!" Noah said.
"Im so sorry.." Rachel said in a small voice. Noah realized how dominate he could be when he just runs into people and gets grape slushie all over them. He just needed to find a better way to get the slushie to make people scared. "Hey can I see this?" He said as he grabbed the slushie cup out of Rachel's hand. He filled the cup up and walked up to anyone who had fear in their eyes. One person stood out. Tina Cohen Chang. He knew her in 6th grade but she had a stutter so it kind of annoyed Noah to talk to her. He walked up to Tina and threw the slushie at her face.
"What was that for?!" Tina screamed as she tried to claw the sting out of her eyes. Noah ignored her and continued down the hall. He was looking for someone to talk to when a pretty blonde caught his eye. This one girls name was Quinn Fabray. Quinn had been a transfer so she didn't have any friends to begin with but she was hot so guys wanted her in a split second. However she only had eyes for one boy...Finn Hudson. He was on the football team in middle school so he's pretty popular at McKinley High School. "Hey Fabray" Noah said.
"You know if you have all these so called 'nicknames' for me, I need some for you. How bout Puck?" Quinn said, shocked with how brilliant that was. Noah Puckerman thought that was a great change. If he wanted a good reputation, he needed to start with his name. Noah was too...classic. But Puck stood for badass. He would be known for that name.
"Yeah. You know what...don't call me Noah at all. I now realize freshman year is the time to start over so I'm going to change." The new Puck said. Quinn was surprised. That was the nicest thing Noah had ever said. Quinn laughed and started down the hall to see Coach Sue to talk about joining the Cheerios. When she got to Sues office, she saw all sorts of stuff. Magazines, crushed cups thrown in the trash and the thing that really stood out were the trophies. There were trophies in every corner of the room. Quinn was cut from thought when Sue Sylvester said "what are you doing in here?"
"Oh Uh..where do I sign up for Cheerleadering?" Quinn said with a nervous tone. Sue took a minute to look Quinn up and down. She had the hair, the body but something was missing. Attitude! Quinn Fabray didn't have the right attitude. She was quiet and looked calm. Sue didn't want calm kids, she wanted wild kids. She needed cheerleaders that have attitude that could control people. "Show me some attitude." Sue said.
Quinn made a funny face like "why would she ask that?"
"Your in. Now get out of my office before I call pest control to come pick you up"
Quinn scurried out of the room. She heard laughing at a bench so she turned around to see two people she knew she would hate later on. The wierd boy from last year, Kurt Hummel and Artie Abrams, the boy in the wheelchair. "Hey Quinn. I heard Finn is coming this year." They both started chuckling at that comment. Quinn rolled her eyes and kept walking. She saw her two best friends, Santana and Brittany. She sat at their table and said "Hey guys is it true that Finn is coming to this school this year?"
"Yeah after all the trouble he got in, he still managed to get into McKinley High." She said and went back to filing her nails. Brittany was looking at her hands and said "Why do we only have 15 fingers?" Quinn was confused by the question so she just pulled out her note book and started drawing hearts around Finns name.
"Hey look at the shortie." Santana said, follow by a snicker. Quinn turned around and saw Rachel Berry reading an article about school choir. She had a purple stain on her shirt so Quinn got the extra shirt out of her backpack and got up. She handed the shirt to Rachel. "Here. Have it." Quinn said as Rachel took the shirt.
"Uh thanks...I think " Rachel said before rushing to the bathroom to get changed. In the bathroom, she saw Tina crying. "What's wrong Tina?" Rachel asked.
"Noah threw a slushie at me" she started sobbing.
"Hey it's okay...I'll help you get cleaned up. And I heard Noah wanted to be called Puck. He thinks he sounds more badass with that name." Rachel said. Tina went from crying straight to laughing. Rachel got Tina all cleaned up and they walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway to go put the dirty clothes in their lockers. On the way to the lockers, the saw Kurt and Artie headed in their direction. "Hey Rach. Tina." Artie just stared at Tina while Kurt talked to Rachel. "What's it like being so short, Rachel?" Kurt asked with a tone of humour in his voice. Rachel didn't get the joke so she kept walking towards her locker, leaving Tina behind. As she walked, she saw a group of boys. One of the boys made her take a second look. It was Finn Hudson. Rachel turned red of embarrassment as the boys walked by. Apparently everyone caught on to the slushie thing because as she walked by, Dave Karofsky threw a slushie at her face. Her eyes burned so much, she decided to fall next to a row of lockers. She heard a voice saying "Dude! That's not cool." It was Finn. He walked up next to Rachel and grabbed her hand to help her up. "Thanks" Rachel muttered. Finn looked into her eyes for a minute before walking off with the rest of the boys. He looked back at Rachel as he was about to turn the corner. Rachel was getting annoyed. She looked around to see if anyone was staring at her. Mercedes had her eyes on Rachel. Mercedes walked up to Rachel and just started laughing. Though there was Nothing funny, Rachel joined in on the laughter. "Rachel you should be embarrassed as hell after what just happened. But you aren't. You're tough Rachel. I still hate you from when you stole my tots in 5th grade but you still crack me up." Mercedes managed to say through the laughing.
"Yeah I know. Sorry by the way...for stealing your tots." Rachel said with a little smile.
"You know, getting hit by slushies might become a daily thing here at McKinley. You should be more prepared. It's going to be a slushie war." Mercedes said.
"SHHHH don't jinx it." Rachel whispered.

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