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I was walking outside of my house. When I met up with Finny and his sister Gwen, we were all good friends, I was Finny's best friend. He had a baseball game today, he went to the dugout getting ready as I sat on the bleachers beside Gwen, the game started and so far the other team was winning, Finny was a good pitcher. I look over to my right and in the distance I see a black van, a guy with white paint on and a tall black hat, waving at me, making motions for me to come over to him. He didn't seem safe, so I stayed in my spot. After the game, that Finny had lost I ran up to him, a guy talking to him, which was Bruce. He was smiling, so was funny.

Finny then came running to me "good game." I say with a smile "thanks Alex" he says. We then walk to his house, his dad wasn't the nicest but he loved having me over. I came and hung out for a bit then rode my bike home, the guy in the black van came driving down the road I was on, so I peddled faster and arrived at my house I ran in slamming shut and locking the door. I ran to my room locking my window and all the other windows then I locked my back door closing every curtain. I laid in bed, the next morning the entire town was informed that Bruce had gone missing. Last seen riding his bike. I went to school, these guys were chasing after Finny so I ran after they ran him into the boys bathroom, Robin walked in short after, he was a good friend of mine and Finny. They both walked out together.

Robin smiled at me "Hey Alex" I smiled back as I waved "hey robin, thanks for helping Finny, see you tomorrow." I say as he nods, we do our handshake that we had for years, then me and Finny start walking I walk him home then I go to my house. I make dinner as my mom arrived at home she smiled at me "hello Alexis." I nod "mother." I say, she wasn't the nicest, I think she'd be good for Finny's dad. "Now. What's this I hear about a black van following you?" She asked. "I saw him at Finny's game, then he followed me home." I say, she laughed grabbing a bear from the fridge "that's nonsense Alex." She replies, I nod "right."

I finish dinner and I eat, then I go and brush my teeth, then I go to bed, in the morning my mom gets a call, she calls me out as she's crying "mom? What's wrong?" I ask, she turns toward me "Do you know a robin?" She asks, I nod "w-well... he's uh missing.." she says, I put my head down. I walk to school, after me and Finny are walking home, Gwen turns to us "it's Friday so I won't be home" she says, we nod and she walks the other way, I always carry a knife in my front pocket, we're walking and a guy, the same guy at Finny's game comes from a car dropping his stuff "oh shoot" he gets down to grab the broken eggs.

"D-do you need help?" Finny asks, I look at him shaking my head, we look in his van window "a-are those black balloons?" He asks, the guy nods opening the van door, as they float out "yeah, you like them?" He asks with a smirk. "R-run!!" I yell, the guy runs to us grabbing us both and sprays something in our mouth he throws us in the van slamming the door shut behind us. I slowly wake up as he's carrying us down the stairs, he throws us on a bed, my vision is blurry then it begins to focus, I look around as he's standing there staring at us, we back up into a wall.

"Don't worry.. I'm not going to hurt you.." he says, he's wearing a mask. He waved and left, I looked at Finny "we have to get out of here." I say, "how. There's nowhere to go." He says. I sigh and lay down, he lays down next to me as we fall asleep, I wake up to a phone ringing, so does Finny, I stand up going to it and answer "hello..?" I say "it doesn't work hang it up." The grabber says, I jump and turn around dropping the phone "I tried it once as a kid, just to see if anyone was there..." Finny looked at him "was there...?" He asked, he shook his head "no." He then left shutting and locking the door.

I hung up the phone sitting down. A few hours later it rang again, Finny answered it this time "hello?" He asked. "I don't remember my name.." a kid says. "What..?" Finny says. "I don't remember who I am. Your hand is mid, you almost got me." He says. "Bruce... y-your'e Bruce..." he says aloud I jump to my feet. "Yeah... I guess so.." he says. "Look Finny, you guys have to get out of there.." he says, I come close to the phone listening "how.." Finny asked "You have to find a way.. we will help you along the way.." he says. The phone hung up.

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