Kisses in the rain

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A/N: Another Pearson ficlet.
Title: Kisses in the rain.
Summary: Jessica and Jeff kiss goodbye in the rain.
Characters: Jessica, Jeff.
Pairings: Jessica/Jeff.
POVs: Third person.
Chapter count: 1

Rain pours from the almost black sky as Jessica and Jeff walk out of their apartment building. Jeff leads Jessica to her car, where Nick is waiting for her under a gray umbrella. Jessica turns to Jeff and kisses him, not caring if she gets her new Manolo's wet, saying goodbye to Jeff is much more important. Jeff pushes her gently against the black wet car, a smile on his face as he deepens their goodbye kiss. Jessica reluctantly pulls away from Jeff and gives Nick an apologetic look.

"Jeff, I need to get going." Jessica says with a laugh before Jeff's lips smash onto hers one last time. Jeff pulls away her, smiling as he tightens the belt securing Jessica's knee length trench coat and opening the car door for her, pecking her quickly.

"Have a good day, I'll see you tonight." Jeff says, helping her into the all black car and closing the door before turning to her driver. "Take care of her." He warns the mayor's half brother who nods at the man. "You know I will." Nick says as the dark tinted window rolls down. "Aren't you forgetting something, Mr Malone?" Jessica asks, her voice teasing, Jeff turns back to her and chuckles.

"I love you, Jess." Jeff says as he watches Jessica's face light up into a smile.

"I love you too, Jeff." Jessica says, the smile on her face not wavering as Nick gets into the driver's seat, rolls up the window and drives away, leaving Jeff out in the pouring rain, staring after the car that is taking his girlfriend to work, the smile on her beautiful brown face the only thing aside from her lips on his mind.

He doesn't care if he kisses her goodbye in the middle of a fucking goddamn hurricane just as long as it ends with a smile on her face and her knowing how much he loves her, he'd do anything to keep that smile permanently on her face until the end of time. 

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