Chapter 1

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The half you see

Mirrors: I hate them. I used to laugh and marvel at the never ending possibilities they unlocked. Now...they’re a curse. However they are essential to the strategic positioning of my mask:

My façade

My protection

I don’t wear my mask out of choice, but out of fear; my fear and everyone else’s; the people around me, perfect laughing people. I longed for that childhood beauty of mine, naïve and wondrous was I. A thing to be treasured, around me merely smiles...not looks of disgusted disapproval. Mother and Father never seemed to be disappointed by my appearance; in fact I inherited a lot of my Mother’s defining features. However, I also inherited a rather...unique trait from my I would have gladly gone without.

I gazed at my reflection.

I questioned everything.

I never was that different before I went to school. What changed?


That memory never left me and I doubt it ever will. The sheer volume of anticipation and excitation was greater than anything I had ever felt before. I picked up my satchel, climbed out of the dark green car and skipped through the school gates with a spring in my step. I hurried along the corridor and opened the door of my first classroom and seated myself next to a young girl. She had fair hair, blonde like mine, but more golden opposed to my darker colouring. She sat to my left. To my right was a dark haired boy, rosy cheeks and eyes that seemed to twinkle with delight; clearly sharing in the same excitement I basked in.

He turned to face me.

The rosy red colour in his cheeks drained away; my ears shrivelled under his ear-piercing scream. Every eye in the room turned to me and followed in his actions. Ten children started crying and two people fainted, including the teacher, I was quickly hurried out and had numerous complaints from angry parents.

My Mother was the one that insisted on the mask. Public appearances meant more to her than my own.

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