Pancakes for Two, I will Always Love Lou

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Harry is a little disoriented as he wakes up. Opening his eyes against the rays of sunshine filtering through the gauzy curtains, he yawns and reaches his arms above his head. Arching his back into the stretch, he winces and flops back flat on the bed. Rolling over, He gently wraps his arms around his still sleeping Louis. Harry is still blushing at the memories of their night together when Louis turns to face him. Looking at him through his lashes, Louis reaches up to kiss the tip of Harry's nose.

Right here, with Louis in his arms, Harry feels like he won the lottery. He's in a band, he's got a tour coming up, and best of all, he's doing it all with the love of his life. This beautiful boy with the bluest of eyes staring back at him is real. Harry can't believe he gets to kiss his lips, can't believe that they live together, can't believe they're so in love.

They share smiles and blushes and gentle kisses for several more minutes until they're interrupted by their rumbling stomachs.

"Come on Lou, I can make us some pancakes" Harry kisses it into his cheek. He detangles himself from Louis and the sheets and makes his way towards their en suite bathroom. He can hear the giggle at his limp.

"How's the bum, Harold?" Louis calls from his place still tangled in the sheets. Harry rolls his eyes, but he can feel the blush return to his cheeks.

He looks at himself in the mirror. He never really understood what people meant when they described someone as 'glowing' until now. His eyes were glittering, his face was flushed a delicate shade of pink, his lips were puffy, he couldn't stop smiling, and just over his shoulder was his Loubear. He had moved to a sitting position leaning against the headboard with his phone in his hand. His bare chest was extra golden with the sun shining across it, gosh Harry was so lucky wasn't he? Not a day passed when Harry didn't question the reality of his life. It's like he's living in a daydream.

Harry washes his face and tries to tame his unruly head of curls. He doesn't spend too much time on them though, his stomach is still persistently reminding him of its emptiness. Plus Louis loves to run his hands through the curls- whatever he does with his hair, it's going to be messed up, not that he's complaining in any way.

Harry leaves the bathroom and drags Louis with him towards the stairs, despite his protests to stay in bed.

"Now that we live together, you have to help cook too!"

"But you're a natural Haz" Louis whines, giving Harry his best attempt at puppy-dog eyes. Harry is just so defenceless when it comes to Louis.

"Fine, you can watch and hopefully pick up a few tips. Really I just want you there with me" He admitted. Louis put his hands on Harry's shoulders and spun him around in their place on the stairs, pulling him close. Louis is standing on the step above looking down at Harry.

A peck on the lips and that's it, that's enough for Harry's breath to catch in his throat. Louis brushes his hand over Harry's cheek and walks past him down the stairs, leaving him standing there grinning like a fool.

Louis is sitting on the kitchen island when Harry walks in, his legs dangling over the edge and leaning back on his hands.

"What are you doing Sunshine? We have to get the ingredients out"

"Well, I don't know how to make pancakes, you're the expert here" Louis sasses back. Harry pinches his side as he walks past him towards the cupboard that he knows houses the flour.

He's prepared when Louis comes at him to return the pinch, he spins around with the bag of flour in his hand, his eyes widen when he sees that Louis is closer than he expected and there's a full-on collision.

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