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Tanjiro noticed that every Hashiras even Michirou who force his head to bow, bowed in front of the man

' Michirou bowed..too.....' Tanjiro thought

" Good morning everyone....It feels like a beautiful day...." Oyakata sama said as he lead by his children

" The sky is perfect blue.... isn't?" Oyakata sama added

' is that a master of the mansion...?' Tanjiro thought while forcing bow by Michirou

' are those scars.....? he ill l....' Tanjiro added on his thought

" Master I sincerely pray for your increased happiness.....It is so good to see so healthy" Sanemi said while looking at him

' wound....I forgot.... it's bleeding...' Michirou said as she look on her hand

" Thank you Sanemi....." Oyakata sama said as he sit with help of his children

' I wish I said that.....I want to greet master too....' Mitsuri thought while having a cute face

" I'm sorry but before the Hashira meeting would you please tell us about the corps member who travel's witha demon..... Tanjiro Kamado.....And this girl Named Michirou...?" Sanemi asked in politely

Michirou still lowered her head even after Sanemi mentioned her name

' he didn't seems to have any manners before....But now he's being incredible polite....!' Tanjiro thought

Michirou having a bored look when she saw Tanjiro that having a thoughts

" Yes, my apologies for surprising you..." Oyakata sama calmly said

" I have accepted Tanjiro and Nezuko....and I want to do the same to everyone....." Oyakata sama said

That made everyone shocked except Michirou

" Even though master request it....I can't consent...." The stone Hashira said

" I , too must stylishly oppose...I can't accept the corps member consorting witha demon...." The sound Hashira said

" I will do anything you say master...." Love Hashira said

Muichiro, Shinobu, and Giyu was silent

Michirou can sense that Shinobu was angry

' Muichiro....was supposed to say something....' Michirou thought

" I can't believe more than anything....I loathe demons...." The serpent pillar said

" Master I respect you from bottom of my heart but I can't understand this, I am against it....with all my strength....." The flame pillar said

" The demon slayer killed please punish both Kamado and Tomioka also that girl....!" Sanemi said

" Well then the letter....." Oyakata sama said

" Yes....." The white haired kid said as she pulls out the letter from her kimono

The white haired kid started to read the letter that made Tanjiro sob a little

Michirou just sigh.....

' That girl how can she be so calm down on this situation....!?' Giyu thought as he saw Michirou sighed

" So what if he'll commit seppuku....!?" Sanemi yelled

"  If he wants to die he can rot...! It doesn't prove anything....!" Sanemi added

" Shinazugawa was right!! I'd she kill or eat someone it was irreversible!! The dead won't come back!!" Rengoku said

" That was correct...." Oyakata sama said

Everyone just listen to they conversation except Michirou

Michirou was busy to wrap her wounds in her hand witha small bandage since she can't heal herself because of she drained herself yesterday.
So Michirou didn't pay attention to them

" Furthermore.... Tanjiro and Michirou  has crossed paths with Kibutsuji....." Oyakata sama said

That made Hashiras shocked

" No way...!!!??  Are you saying that though no member of hashiras has ever faced him!!!?? This kids has!!??" Uzui yelled in disbelief

" What did he look like..!? What abilities did he have...!!?? Where's is he!!??" Uzui asked and still disbelief

Some of hashiras started to asked something to them

" Hey.... answer me...!?" Sanemi said as he grabbed Tanjiro's hair and start to shake his head

" hey...!! I asked first...!" Uzui said

" Muzan....." Michirou said

The place suddenly became silent after they heard her

" Muzan was living as disguised human around the people......his face is so pale like dead, his red demonic eyes....." Michirou calmly said

" Did you fight him....!?" Uzui asked

" No......but he sent a two demons to kill us....." Michirou said

Oyakata sama put his finger in front of his mouth to shhh them

" Michirou is right....he sent a two demons to kill Michirou and Tanjiro" oyakata sama said

" He may merely wish to silence them but for the first time Kibutsuji has shown his tail . We have to grab it...I don't want to let go....." Oyakata sama added

" And it's possible Kibutsuji may have seen Something unexpected in Nezuko as well...." Oyakata sama said

" Do you understand....?" Oyakata sama asked

" No maste I can't understand!! Letting a human live is one thing....But a demon....I cannot agree with this... There's nothing normal about it....." Sanemi said as he gritting his teeth

Sanemi suddenly wounded himself

" Master the demon is ugly and untrustworthy....I'll prove it you!!" Sanemi yelled as he stabbed a box to make a hole

His blood was dripping on the box

That made Tanjiro shock while Michirou was calm

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now