it begins

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cartman woke up and ran to the toilet.

the poop came out so quickly and painfully

"MOM HOLY FUCK" he yelled out

his mother couldn't help him now. cartman was going through hell. what the fuck did he eat that make him shit like crazy out of his asshole? everyone is asking that question. he say that for a entire hour, causing him to be late for school. he ran out the door, and ran inside the school, running past the office and into his class.

mr. garrison, mr. hat and the rest of the class went silent and stared at him.

"well eric where the hell have you been?" mr. garrison asked.

"i had a rough morning" he responded.

mr. garrison nodded and signaled for him to take a seat.

"why were you late fatass?" asked kyle

"i had some toilet trouble" he responded, a little embarrassed.

kenny pointed at cartman, giggling muffled. the whole class laughed bur cartman was furious

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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