Chapter 1

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"I'm going to kill you!"

Apollo raced through the gardens of Mount of Olympus, in hot pursuit of a eleven year old girl with midnight black hair and sparkling silver eyes, glimmering with mischeif.

She ran as fast as a cheetah, her mother being the goddess of the Hunt standing her in good steed.

Apollo's face had been painted orange and pink, making him eaisily the most colorful thing in the garden, his lips forming a pout as he paused to catch his breath.

"It compliments you." Zoe said, struggling to keep a straight face. "That's my girl." Hermes grinned as he appeared out of nowhere in a shimmering blast of light. 

Apollo crossed his arms. "I hate you both." 

"Zoe!" A man's voice yelled. 

"What!" she yelled back.

Percy Jackson raced into the clearing. "Save me!" he said, his expression horrified.

"Well hello to you too." Hermes said, snickering. 

"Perseus Jackson!" Artemis yelled from a distance.  

"Oooooh, full name, you're screwed cuz." Apollo laughed. 

"Apollo..." Percy stared at him in disbelief before dissolving into laughter. 

"And who's work of art is this?" he smirked. 

"Mine." Zoe said proudly. 

"You are officially my favorite daughter." Percy said. 

"She's your only daughter."  Hermes put in. Apollo high-fived him, as Percy glared at them.

Artemis finally stormed into the clearing, bow raised, and covered in sea water. 

Percy cowered. 

"Might I just say," Apollo said, smiling handsomely. "You look extremely beautiful today, sis."

Artemis narrowed her eyes at him.

Thunder boomed suddenly and they all groaned.  Zeus was calling a meeting. The skies were black and foreboding, when before they'd been a peaceful blue. 

"This seems to be urgent." Artemis said, worried. 

"Let's go."

A/N : Finally, the much-awaited sequel! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments on my last books! 

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