Chapter 1

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Deku's pov:

Crap, crap, crap, I'm gonna be late! "(Y/n)!!" I yell. "Get your shoes on we got to go!" I was trying to rush us out the door.

There was an important meeting I had to get to, and I had to drop (Y/n) off at Kachan's house. "Daddy! I can't find my shoes!" I hear (Y/n) say from her room. I look around the living room.

"They're out here!" I yell back. She ran out of her room, putting her shoes on as fast as she could. "You ready to go?" I ask her.

(Y/n) nodded her head. "Ok, then let's go." I said grabbing her hand and taking her to the car. I helped her get her car seat buckled then got into the car myself. We then started heading to Kachan's house.

Once we got there I helped her out if the car. Kachan was sitting outside with his son, Kai, waiting for us. "Kai your girlfriend's here." I heard him say. "(Y/n)'s not my girlfriend!"

Kai yelled at him. There they are at it again. One things for sure Kai definitely has his temper. (Y/n) then ran up to them while I got back in the car, and waved goodbye. I watched them walk inside then I left.

(Y/n)'s pov:

Daddy left after we got inside. "So what do you brats want to do?" Kachan asked. I stayed silent as always. "Play hide and seek!"

Kai shouted. "That good with you (Y/n)?" Kachan asked me. I just nodded me head. "Ok then I'll count!"

Kai then grabbed my hand dragging me off to a hiding spot. "We'll hide in the same room." He whispered. "I'll hide in the closet, and you hide under the bed cause you're smaller." He told me.

He opened the closet door while I crawled under the bed. "Ready or not here I come!" I heard Kachan yell. He then walked into the room Kai, and I were in.

The first thing he did was open the closet door, and found Kai immediately. "Gotcha brat!" He exclaimed. I quietly snickered. "Hmmm where's the other brat?"

Kachan asked Kai. He just shrugged his shoulders. He then walked towards the bed, standing there like he was taunting me. I had to cover my mouth, so I didn't laugh. "Oh (Y/n) where are you?"

I had to try so hard not to laugh. It didn't work though, and I ended up laughing. "Found ya!" He yelled now looking at me under the bed. "Dang it."

I pouted. "You two hungry?" Kachan asked us. We nodded our heads simultaneously. He then lead us into the kitchen, and Kai and I sat down at the table.

After a couple of minutes a pb&j sandwich was given to both of us. Once we were finished Kai and I went to the living room to watch tv. I noticed I was starting to feel a little sleepy. Since I was feeling sleepy I laid down on the couch, and soon drifted off to sleep.

Deku's pov:

Once the meeting was over I went to Kachan's house and picked up (Y/n). I had to carry out to the car because she'd fallen asleep. She looked so cute and peaceful when she slept. I drove home and (Y/n) slept the whole drive there. Again I had to carry her inside.

When we got inside I took her to her room and laid her on her bed. I then tucked her in, and started making dinner.

(Y/n) pov:

When I woke up I was back at home in my room. When did I get back here? I just shrugged it off and got out of bed. I went to the kitchen to see daddy making dinner. "Daddy what are you making?"

I asked him. He jumped slightly not realizing I had woken up. "Oh I'm making pizza." He told me. "Oooo yummy!"

I said excitedly. He soon finished cooking and gave me a plate with two slices of pizza on it. "Thanks!" I told him, running off with the plate bringing it to the dining room table. I soon finished my pizza then it was time for me to go to bed.

I was gonna have to get up early tomorrow for my first day of school.

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