Hallo Alle Sammen

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Hello, I'm Lynn.
I did have a book on learning Norwegian before but it just didn't work out. I would really like to give you guys another chance to learn more of this language.
The website is NorwegianClass101 and it really helps me learn it. Yes it might seem like a lot of lessons on just one topic, but I promise it is worth it.

Anyone want a fun story??
I'm going to tell you anyways-
For context my dad lived in Norway for 2 years and has made a deep connection with it since then.
When I was in second grade, we were learning about different countries and I said my dad had lived in Norway. The little twat next to me said "Norway isn't a real place!!" And I started to feel bad and cry but then the teacher, while saying nothing, pulls out a world map with the counties labeled, AND SHOWS HIM NORWAY!!!
He then proceeds to sweat out of his eye organs.

I hope your journey finds you fruitful in this.

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