the forbidden soggy bagle

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I reviewed myself in the mirror. I was wearing a skull print black bikini top with a plain black swim skirt. I grabbed the sunscreen off my nightstand and put some on my face and shoulders before walking out of my room and down the steps.

"You ready Justin? Let's go to the pool."

He turns around and when his eyes land on me, they widen and go up and down my body. A shocked-and slightly offended- look sweeps over my face and I gasp.

"Justin! Are you eyeing me up-??" 

"I have a skirt swimsuit kink. Look me dead in my eyes, I'm not smiling or joking, I'll get a boner."

As soon as those words leave his mouth I march up to him and slap him right across the face before punching his arm quite hard.

"Don't say anything like that to me ever again. EVER."

"GEEZ! Okay Michaela okay."

I stare at him with eyes of death before grabbing my towel and sunglasses and leaving the house, motioning my hand for Justin to follow.

"Let's go you soggy croissant."

"Since when the fuck am I soggy croissant-??" He says as he walks out the door that I am holding open.

"Since you fucking told me that you were gonna get a boner over your best fucking friend okay? Get in the car before I chop your dick off so you can't get a boner."

"OH MY GOD- IM SORRY I SWEAR" he says as he bolts out of the house with pure fear in his eyes. He immediately jumps into the car and I follow suit. We start driving and the whole ride is silence. I happen to look at him and he looks very...flustered.


We get to the pool in about 10 minutes and we hop out of the car. I put our towels on the concrete and toss him his sunglasses before walking to the pool. He follows behind me and we both jump in.

"Gah! It's so cold!!" he says while shivering.

"Justin don't be a bitch it's 90° out here" I say sassily in response.

"Okay fine Michaela. You want me to prove I'm not a bitch? Fine."

He jumps out of the pool and I look at him with a confused face. He walks to the ladder.

"I'm no pussy." He says as he climbs up the steps with no fear. He gets to the top and looks at me dead in the eyes.

He dives in head first. He flies threw the air and lands in the water with no splash. He swims across the pool and is right in front of me within a matter of seconds.


He says with a 'I told you so' look on his face. My jaw just drops open as I take in what I had just witnessed.

"You piece of shit!!" I say as I chuckle and throw myself at him. Instead of landing on his back to be able to dunk him as I planned, he pushes me off and dunks me under the water.

I am eye to eye with his crotch. He has a huge boner. I immediately get aroused and quickly jump up out of the water with a fully pink face.

He notices something is up and he questions me.

"Ayo, you got a water kink or something? I mean if I can ignore my skirt kink then I'm sure you can ignore your water kink." He says as he laughs at himself, like he's the funniest person in the world.

I don't know what happened to me in the past 10 seconds, but I want to fuck my best friend. I look at him with eyes of lust without even trying to, and I don't know how many times he's been laid but he immediately understands my look.

"Michaela- no way. Not here. Not ever- you're my best friend??"

I smirk to myself.

"Consider it friends with benefits" is the only thing that escapes my mouth before they immediately collide with his.

His body stiffens up in return and he is hesitant, before grabbing my waist and kissing me back. I run my hands up his back and tangle my fingers in his wet shoulder-length black hair. He pulls my body so it is right up against his and holds me tighter. I can feel his... 'friend' brush up against my leg and all I can do is smirk.

"Got a problem there Justin?" I say into his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up swimsuit skirt."

We continue kissing for a minute or two before I slide my hands down his chest and reach his crotch. I grab his 'friend' and squeeze it. This makes him moan into my mouth very loudly because that's the thing he's wanted for the past hour since he saw me in a fucking skirt swimsuit. The moan he lets out gets the attention from all the people in the pool who were not previously looking.

I rub his dick slowly before picking up the pace and he's a moaning mess.

I'm making my best friend moan while he sucks my neck.


As he's moving his mouth from my neck to my chest, I guess we got noticed by the life guard because I am grabbed roughly by the arm, as is Justin, and we're yanked out of the pool. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU HORNY TEENAGERS. GET A ROOM."

I'm just glancing around in shock, trying to absorb what just happened. I can see Justin is doing the same, just with messy hair from me tangling my fingers in it. I'm a slut I swear to god.

After sitting in silence for a couple seconds I grab my towel. "Well we better leave then" I say as I walk back to the car. "Yeah- I guess." We hop into the car and just stare blankly ahead.

I decide to say something. "So... what just happened?"

He blinks multiple times and takes a deep breath "I honestly don't know. I mean- did you enjoy it..?"

"To be honest I did. A lot actually."

"So... was the 'friends with benefits' comment just you trying to act sexy or were you for real with that?"

"Do you want it to be for real?" I say with a half-flirtatious half-actually wanting to know look in my eyes.

"Well yeah. Only if you wear skirts. I mean swimsuit skirts is my REAL kink but skirts work just as fine." He says while chucking.

"Will do Justin." I say before starting the car and checking the mirrors.

"Care to finish what we started when we get home?"

"Why of course Michaela" he says with a smirk.

Just as I pull out of the parking lot I see a flashing light and hear a crash. Then everything goes black. I hear screaming. "MICHAELA!!! MICHAELA WAKE UP! OH GOD, SOMEBODY CALL 911!! PLEASE HEL-"

Everything goes silent and I take my last breath in Justin's arms.

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