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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Characters may belong to creators, but this story using them belongs to me. Tbh, If I owned it, I wouldn't be writing fanfic for it.

A/N: Hello, here I am again. This is another one of those random things I think of and can't get off of my mind, and so, a story for you all. I intend this to be a short story, so it wont be quite as long as my other stories.

Just so you know, this is set in the long ago past, mostly just so I could explore something. In a lot of stories, Vansh is described as the hardened, sometimes jaded, world wearied man, with experience and knowledge, and of course Riddhima is the innocent young thing. But I felt like swapping the roles, flipping it a bit the beloved Riddhima would be the knowledgeable one, and Vansh would be the epitome of innocence.


"Really, Vansh, thank you so much for lunch, and a relaxing afternoon. I…enjoyed myself. But really, Lord only knows what kind of havoc Angre could already have wreaked upon your poor town. It would be sad to end such a nice day in destruction or mayhem."

"I want to see you again," Vansh called to her as she turned her back. She looked over her shoulder, the burning amber light of sunrise falling on her cheeks, lighting fires in her eyes.

"I am sure you do," she replied, her words meant to be condescending. But there was a smile in her eyes and pulling gently on the corners of her mouth.

"I will seek you out, tomorrow and every other day until you leave," he informed her. He didn't know where this bravery was coming from, but she really did smile then, happy with his audacious words.

"You are playing with fire, Vansh," she cautioned him, "You wouldn't be the first to die from that."

At those words her smile did fade, but instead of getting the hard look in her eyes like she usually did when she was uncomfortable, she looked almost sad.

"I don't care," he protested. Riddhima turned then and took a step in his direction, putting them closer than they had been as of yet. She touched his face with the back of her hand, which was littered with scars and scrapes. He felt so small just then in comparison with the look in her eyes that was so knowing and so melancholy.

She said nothing before she walked away. And Vansh, for his part, watched her go.

To Be Continued.....

Innocence, or Lack Thereof ✔ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now