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Jill was killing zombies. This for her was the norm, ever since that stupid company decided it was a good idea to create a virus that of course got out of control. Jonsey was watching, admiring her skill. He adored watching her.  Every time she killed a zombie, his eyes would glaze over as he admired her every move. When she took down a zombie with her bare hands, he wanted to reach out and touch her. It had been a year since they’ve started dating, but they’d yet to go on their first official date. Jonsey didn't care, all he cared about was Jill.  He never felt like this before. She was always so strong. Always so smart. Never scared or hesitant. Her courage was something that was hard to find in people. And that’s what made him love her even more. Jill had finished slaughtering the zombies and was now cleaning up.  She walked over to where Jonsey was, still admiring her.
"Hey babe."
He smiled at her. "Hey cutie. Did you have fun?"
"Oh yeah. I killed a bunch of zombies for you." She replied. She sat down next to Jonsey, leaning against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her waist. "Thank you, darling."
She smiled at him. "Anytime babe. Do you want to head home?"
Jonsey nodded. "Yeah. That sounds nice."
They stood up, grabbing their jackets from the ground. They began walking towards the exit, unfortunately for them, the Nemesis kicked down the door and growled. He was angry. Very Angry. He vowed he wouldn't stop hunting Jill until her guts have been ripped out. Jonsey quickly moved in front of Jill protectively. Jill looked frightened. The Nemesis charged at them, intent on attacking. Suddenly, another portal appeared, sending two more mortals into the building. Jonsey immediately recognized them. It was Dwayne the rock Johnson alongside Peely.
"Jonsey! Jill!" the Dwayne yelled. Peely looked at Nemesis and just blinked before tosing Jonsey a rift. Jonsey caught it and rifted the gang to safety. The Nemesis roared loudly. Jill was safe and out of reach for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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