chapter 1.

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"Don't be ridiculous, Marj! You don't have to go to this dumb..met..thingy!!", Lonnie would exclaim to Marjorie. "Um, it's called the Met Gala. And I'm not being ridiculous, I have to go to it! I mean..I've never been invited before!!" Marj would bite into an apple as she rests her hand on her face. "Why don't you want me to go to this thing anyways?", Marjorie would ask.

     "Listen..I just think it's not the best idea. Y'know?" Marj would set the apple down. "Actually I don't know. You can't tell me what to do anymore, mom. I don't even live with you anymore. For Pete's sakes I'm almost 26!" Lonnie would look at her, "Fine. I'm sorry. I'll leave you be, bye hun." Marj would suddenly feel bad for going off on her like that. "Bye mom, love you!!"

Marjorie would open her computer and begin researching different outfits that celebrities have worn to the Met Gala. Marj would look at her dog, "I don't mean to be rude but..I could do so much better than these people." Flora would stare at her, not making a noise. "You're no help." Marjorie would pet her and close her laptop. "Guess we oughta get some rest.", she'd start going up her stairs and stop in the tracks of her closet.

    "Do I have any 'camp' looking outfits..or do I have to call up my stylist or something..?" Marjorie would stand at the corner of her closet door. She'd open her phone and DM her stylist, "hey! i was just wondering if you could help me pick out an outfit for the met gala. i actually decided to go!!" Sent. She'd close her closet door and head into her bedroom. "Flora! Come here puppy!"

Once they got snuggled into bed, Marjorie got on her phone and just scrolled on Tiktok for a while. Most of the comments she got were funny, not necessarily hate comments. She loved her fans so much, but she wasn't quite sure how to show it. In the middle of a video, she fell asleep. Flora cuddled next to her, her phone still playing the tiktok it was on. Her phone would go off on her face. "Oh- I fell asleep." She'd rub her eyes and check the time. "Shit. It's 4am. How is my phone still-" Her phone would show a little loading screen, then turn completely dark. "Great! Now I have to get up and get my charger." Marjorie would stand up slowly but surely, and stretch.

     She'd stumble into her bathroom and turn the lights on. "Ew- I need to brush my hair. And wipe off my makeup. And wash my face." She'd stare at herself in the mirror. Marj would finally decide to just take a shower. Once she was out of the shower she realized she forgot to plug in her phone. "Jesus Christ. Why can't I remember to do anything anymore?!" She'd run downstairs with a towel around her, and she'd snatch her charger and rush back up the stairs. She plugs in her phone, and journies back to her closet. "Hm. What to wear, what to wear?" She'd finally just grab a casual outfit that she would normally wear, and rush back to the bathroom.

     Once she was dressed, she checked the time once again. "Ok..5:30. Maybe I'll go get a coffee or something." She'd brush through her hair and pull it into a messy bun. Now, she finally checked her notifications. Her stylist replied and said, "Yes ma'am! Let me know when you get this so we can talk about it." Marjorie would feel relieved, as she wouldn't have to pick out the outfit by herself. She'd grab her keys and head out the door.

     She'd pull into the coffee shop, and would debate whether or not she should go inside. It was just her local coffee shop, and she was a regular! Maybe nobody would recognize her. She'd park her car and head inside. She'd scan around the room to make sure there were no young people who could possibly know who she is, which there were, but they didn't seem to pay too much attention to her.

     "Hey there Marjorie! What can I get for you today?", one of the kind employees would ask her. "I'll just get a iced vanilla latte, thanks Michael!", she'd smile. Once he handed her the drink, she'd pay quickly, and head out of the store. "Phew. No pap." She'd sit in her car with the windows down, enjoying nature, music, and her coffee.

    She'd glance at the time on her car stereo, and see that it now says 6:32. She'd contemplate if she should just go back home, or maybe head to the next town over and just enjoy a nice walk. Maybe shop a little? That sounds good. She'd set her coffee down, and begin to drive off.

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