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Finally. Finally, after hours. . that at one point felt selfishly egocentric, and at times innumerable by his boss, it seemed that it all paid off in the what others would consider the /𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙪𝙣/. Patience will always be a virtue, Nora used to say. This, was a reward, merely. Bone-tired, starving, and primed, Barry sat alone, as he'd graciously hold onto the sub he packed overnight for his lunch break. This happened to be Barry's favorite part of work, no matter how long the breaks lasted.

Managing three full-time jobs, and a few gigs in between that were part-time--while still dashing through the city when needed, he couldn't recall a time where his downtime wasn't tampered with somehow. Villains or not. This time though, was a bit different. Everything for once. . was normal.

'' .. thank God.'' Barry would say, preparing to take a bite out from his sub.

As usual though, nice things don't come around often. For him, at least. Just as the sub reached his mouth, loud cries for help could be heard. An instance immediately would arise. In unison, the screams would be escorted by flames. Glaring in worry, it was in this moment where things slowed down. Time stood still, as the atmosphere began to consume Barry. Those running in the street for help were suddenly frozen. . and suddenly, Barry was gone from his chair.

Those stuck in their movements in time weren't able to see. . but out from his bag came his suit.

It was a nanosecond for him, but to others, he was simply a blur. Now sporting a hood with a crimson face mask--his speedo, and sparkling kneepads revealed a lightning bolt emblem. In little less than a second, '𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵' graced the scene.

It was the auditorium for broadway. Zooming in, no one was seen. Carefully creeping through the aisle, a girl could be heard. Isolated, as she hid in the backstage area. Darting behind the curtain, it was a woman. Behind her, was her daughter. She was in front to shield her, as the little one was the one engulfed in tears. Before revealing himself, in a slow pace--he'd tiptoe to avoid the creaks. In a matter of seconds, he'd reveal himself to the two.

''Psst.'' Barry would signal, getting the attention of the older woman. ''You're safe now. I'm here to get you both far away from here.'' In a whispering tone, Barry approached the two in a comforting manner. . or at least he was trying to.

''What happened here?'' He'd ask, followed by no response. Although, on cue, an opening door from off the stage could be heard. Peeking back a bit, he'd glare back towards the family. Right in that moment, the older woman would nod. ''You wanted to know, and now they're back. Go, hero. Make the news again.''

He'd sigh, nodding in response as he'd proceed to exit the stage. Only to be met by a familiar foe in Digger Harkness. . who oddly, lacked his usual look. In that moment, Barry's brow perked, but, it all seemed a bit misleading. Too misleading. He'd test his luck, nevertheless.

''Well, well. If it isn't 'Crimson Thunder' himself. I was startin' to doubt if you'd even show up for an 'ol friend like me.'' Digger would say, as Barry, in confusion, took a few hesitant steps forward to a reasonable distance for the two. ''Well, Boomer, usually, the name's actually Fla--'' Instantly, in a second or less, a plethora of crushed ice flew out from his side. Knocking Barry to the floor, as he'd realize in that moment, that there was more than one crook lurking around the auditorium. Now on the cold floor beneath the stage, Barry would lay uncomfortably. Managing to look upwards, there was a silhouette approaching his body. Again, a face that was familiar. . 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙙. Someone in hindsight, he wasn't too fond to see.

''You talk too much, speedster.'' Leonard said, closing in on Barry. ''Miss me?'' Cold would say, raising his gun, aiming for Barry's head as he laid in soreness. '' .. sure, when you were in jail.'' As Barry managed to answer, he'd fade from below. As if, he disappeared. While in that moment, he'd reappear next to Digger. Who suddenly, was tied to the wall behind him with a handful of props.

''Found some toys backstage. . it's going to be a little before he gets out of that knot.'' Flash said, leaning against the wall across the auditorium. A smug nod followed, just as the family from before were seeking for their escape, as Leonard's back turned from them. ''Alright, Flash.'' Cold would say, turning back towards the door the two were creeping out of. ''Let's see if you're fast enough to stop this. .'' Promptly following his words, out came floods of ice from his gun. Aiming to freeze, and worse--aiming to kill.

As the molecules shot out for the two, in the form of a scarlet blur was Barry. Surpassing the hail in time to rush them outside, he'd swiftly bolt inside to meet Cold once again. Although, it wouldn't be the ideal run-in for Leonard. Barry's dash back inside proposed enough time for him engage into theft, as he'd loot Cold's gun to use on him. In no time, both of Leonard's feet were planted, frozen, and affixed to the ground. Tossing the gun to the side, Barry stood in front of his foe. A bit bold, as he'd glare towards both of his rouges.

''Sorry, buddy. I hope you have stable knees.'' A boastful Barry would say, saluting as sirens in the distance were heard. ''Boomer, do better. I mean that.'' He'd pause, shaking his head over towards Digger. ''Seriously, dude. I'm serious.''

Nodding with a smile underneath his face mask, Flash zoomed from out of the auditorium, as the two waited to be attended to by the cops. Again.

Back to his lunch break Barry went, but, as he'd return to his table. . his sub was smushed. Which at this point, happened to be the usual. Sighing a bit, he'd watch, as the birds fed on his sandwich.

''.. as usual.''

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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