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"Yeah, my boyfriend's in a band,"

"He plays guitar while I sing lou reed."


"Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool."

"But he's not as cool as me."


"I'm a Brooklyn Baby."

"Badarara badarara..."

- Brooklyn Baby
- Lana Del Rey.

I smile down at my guitar that's rested in my arms well...My boyfriend's guitar while im sitting on my bed. He has a plethora of them. I think they're pretty cool. I think he's pretty cool.

I hum as i strum the guitar to one of his songs. My eyes are closed as I focus on the instrument in my hands.

I'm so focused in playing I don't notice him leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed, his head tilted and one leg is in front of the other, folded.

I look up when I feel someone's eyes staring at me. My eyes shoot up to land on my boyfriend's adoring ones.

I smile.

He grins and starts walking towards me, playing with his rings.

He now stands in front of me, looking down at me.

"Talented one, you are." He takes a hold of my face, the coldness of his rings stinging my skin. his palm is under my chin, whilst his thumb strokes it.

"Duh." I smile shrugging playfully.

"Only joking" I let out a small laugh. my head drops, now looking at the guitar, his hand staying in place. Which he almost immediately uses to lift my head up again.

He leans in (bent down now.) his face inches from mine. "I'm not." He pecks my lips and stands straight going to the dresser.

Assuming he's searching for his hair tie. He turns back around, rememebring where he actually left it. Around my wrist.

He walks over to me and lifts my arm elegantly. He slinks the hair tie off my wrist, smoothly, never breaking eye contact.

His hands let go of my arm and bring his hair tie to his mouth. His teeth bite down on it, stretching it before wrapping it around his fingers.
He lifts his arm, engulfing his hair in a fist. His shirt is lifted above his bare waist due to his arms being in the air.

A smile creeps it's way on my face when my eyes fall to the tattoo he has of my initials on his pubic bone.

I don't realize I've zoned out until I feel warm lips on my collarbone, gliding their way up to my neck. The Neck, That is Prominent to him by now.

My breath hitches as I bring my hands to rest on his stone chest.

His hands make their way sliding down my lower back, finding my arse almost the same time his lips find mine. His tounge dances with mine as his hand keeps a firm grip on my butt.

"H/n." I try to get out between sloppy, unbalanced kisses.

"Your show-" I almost squeal when I feel his hands go under my thighs and my feet leave the ground, a firm grip on my waist.

With one free hand and the other on my waist, he slams me against a wall, my legs wrapped around his torso. His lips still connected with mine.

Now with my back against the wall, a source of not falling flat on my face. He takes both of his free hands and places one on each side of my head on the wall.

I bring my hands to his chest and pull at his shirt. "H/n, your show."

"What?" His lips don't halt because they're not on mine anymore, instead, He brings them down to my neck and sucks, almost as if his life depended on it.

Oh My God. His lips are gonna be the death of me.

"Y-Y-Your S-S-Show!" I mange to cry out as best as I can with his mouth working wonders on my skin.

He pulls his head back and looks at me. Good ol' out of breath, panting, eyes closed, chest heaving up and down rapidly, me.

His hands find both sides of my waist and puts me down.

"Jesus fuck." I grip onto his shoudlers, steading myself.

We haven't done anything and this man already has me breathless.

"Seeing you all fucked out when we did barely anything." He pauses and pulls me closer, his arm around my waist, our forheads almost one.

"Fuck, babe." He breathes.
"You've got my knees weak." His large hands cup the back of my head, tilting it back.

He presses a soft kiss to my neck, a competely chaste kiss.


he pulls open the front door and turns to me.

He brushes a hair from my face.
He connects his aching lips with mine.
5 seconds, it lasts.

He pulls back and steps out onto the porch. "Patience till i get back, princess." He winks walking to his car.

"Lock the door!" He shouts getting into his car.

Strict, always been. atleast when it comes to me.

I close the door and lock it when he drives away.

As im strolling up the stairs. My phone dings. My hand reaches behind me and pulls it out of my back pocket.

New message from: My love.

"Miss you already."

i giggle and put my phone back into my pocket.

Cheeky fuck.

AN: let your imagination run with this one. Alex turner, jamie bower, eddie munson, harry styles (lhh), Damiano David.
Whoever the fuck you want.
All the love - R.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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