Narcissism: The destroyer of an empath

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I have never In my life experienced such a thing.

My personal experience with a narcissist

I was vulnerable when I encountered a narcissist we had a tragic death In the family and all I wanted was a friendship not punishment

Always pay attention to what the universe shows you. Rather It's people, places or things pay attention to the signs. There comes a time where we must see the reality, we must wake up and accept the fact that even your so called best friend will switch up on you. And show you the truth, who they really are and who they aren't. The damage is done this is what forces you to finally walk away, no matter how much It hurts. Let's just face It hurts you were there when nobody else was, you helped when nobody else did. You were honest on your part. You treated them like family, your heart was in the right place. But they have no heart, no real compassion and no souls.

They allow out side influences to change how they feel about you because those outside influences grant them the un divided attention they so desperately desire and soon you will start to see the manifestation on change. It wasn't all bad but It wasn't all good. It was more toxic and one sided, It had lies, disrespect, disregard and entitlement.

It had sneaky behavior that would make anyone question, as soon as someone new came along, they put you down for that person they would disrespect you with the Indirect Insults making you feel like nothing. They don't feel bad for hurting you they don't feel bad for destroying your possessions they do not care about you your feelings and they don't care about themselves.

The new supply/supplies are lonely are require a connection with the person of popularity and charm. The charm Is physical And So Is the desire to fit in with the social circle of a narcissist. The narcissist will make the new supply feel comfortable under stand the narcissist has no real loyalty It Is all about personal needs and they make sure they connect with someone they can gain something from. It can be many things.

If they do not have control they do not desire to deal with you. They often cause separation with their other relatives, friends, and mates If they detect any weakness In those relationships because they rather see you alone than happily Involved so they can continue to take advantage of you. They will speak on your friends, family and mate In a negative way hoping you will see things the way they do hoping It will cause more separation.

They will destroy your possessions. This can be any thing from Computers,tablets, furniture ECT they will destroy your personal things, before and after the so called friendship ends remember who they show you Is who they really are. There Is no denying what they show you.

You have to come to terms with the experience you have to heal you don't understand how much emotional and mental damage the experience has done to you. Narcissist carry negativity heck even their children have the traits. They suffer from personality disorder, And that Is scary because you don't know what personality your going to get.

They play favoritism with their children they often have a bond with the one they favor the most, people who know the truth about them will completely detach from them Including family. They are often very cunning and they use sad stories as a way for someone to feel bad for them so they can take advantage of that person when they need something.

A narcissist requires a friendship with someone they can speak poorly about you to, especially If you have a disagreement. The narcissist will Involve that other friend knowing that friend will be the ear they can vent to Even If It's about you. That other friend will start to view you In a negative way because the narcissist told them a story about you but not everything that happened that lead up to the disagreement.

You need to realize the amount of damage a narcissist can do. After a situation like that you need therapy the mental and emotional anguish does not heal over a short period of time, especially In a long term friendship or relationship.

Narcissism Is abuse, there's no other way around It. The narcissist Is not only male but female as well and they can appear to be loving, kind supportive everything you are looking for In a friendship or relationship.

Research Narcissism and I know you will come to see that you were Involved with a monster. As I stated before I was vulnerable, naive and desperate for a friendship after my realitive was murdered your situation might be different you just might be lonely seeking love from a partner.

Sometimes you will need years of therapy after dealing with a narcissist under stand they are the worst kind of people you can be around. They love confrontation, they are very argumentative, they don't like It when you put your foot down. They love to see you sad and feeling sorry for yourself.

As long as you let them abuse you they will continue to do so.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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