The Ballad of Sarah Matsui

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November 29th, 1983

Location: Kernersville House Party, North Carolina

Time: 10:21 pm

A red Ford Pinto rolled down the dark streets of the small suburban neighborhood. The street lights shined down onto the dark, mostly empty street. Shadowy outlines of tree branches and its lack of leaves reflected off the street and the passing car.

Luther drove the car while Martin was in the front seat with his head leaning against the car door arguing with Micheal who sat directly behind him as he kicked his seat playfully with Sarah in the middle and Lily to her left. Sarah admired Lilly who was simply looking out the window at the passing houses before she turned back to look towards the two arguing boys.

"Are they really still arguing?" She whispered to Sarah with a small giggle with Sarah quickly snapping out of her stare and chuckled, fiddling with the sleeves of her letterman jacket.

"Yeah, they do that all the time. Sorry about them Lil." Sarah nervously grinned as Lily only smirked back at Sarah.

"It's alright...I have three brothers myself. I'm used to boys." Lily giggled again, curling up closer to Sarah who glanced down at the shorter girl through her curled up auburn brown hair. Sarah gently brought her hand around Lilys and gently rubbed her side with a small smile.

Luther glanced up at the rear view mirror towards the two girls and smirked. Sarah wasn't usually the timid nervous one but he could tell Lily definitely made her stomach flip in ways he possibly couldn't understand. He meets eyes with his beloved friend as she grins up at him and Luther shoots back a thumbs up before Martins snarl of annoyance broke out between them.

"GOD DAMNIT MICHEAL!-" Martin hissed as Micheal only snorted and leaned back against his seat, bringing back down his legs with a grin and looking out the window.

"Sorry, had to stretch some how~" Micheal chuckled as Martin huffed with annoyance.

"Ah c'mon Martin, we're almost there. No need to sour your mood just yet." Luther reassured Martin, returning to putting both hands on the wheel.

"Yeah yeah, just wish some people had some damn, y'know, DECENCY." Martin huffed out, glaring back at Micheal as he chuckled again, sitting back up.

"C'mon Mart, I was just messin' with ya was all! No need to throw a tantrum." Micheal reassured.

Martin rolled his eyes. "So who's the new chic again?" He questioned, glancing back at Lily who quickly sat up, tucking her hands into her lap and fiddling with them.

"Ah right! Martin, Micheal, this is Lily. My uh," Sarah looked back between Lily before back at Martin and Micheal. "My girlfriend."

Micheal gasped, turning and leaning over Sarah and holding his bracelet filled arm out towards Lily.

"Holy shit, It's finally good to see ya girl!- I'm Micheal," Micheal grinned.

"Martin." Martin grumbled from the front, glancing back out the window.

"Hi...!" Lily smiled, shaking Micheals admittedly sweaty hands before he pulls back with a snort.

"So sorry I didn't say anything before. I didn't even realize you were the one Sarah's been gushing about for months!" Micheal explained as Sarah felt her ears burn up at the information.

"Oh, really?" Lily grinned, glancing towards Sarah as she felt her own cheeks turn red as Sarah shot back a sheepish smile.

"Yeah! She's crazy about you Lily. She's constantly talking about just how amazing you are and how you like to draw and-"

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