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Michirou went back to Butterfly Estate and she still so pale

Michirou went back morning and didn't sleep at all after the nightmare

Muichiro still unsure if Michirou was okay but he let her be....since he don't want to force her

" Michirou you back...." Tanjiro said as he saw her

" Michirou are you okay.....?" Zenitsu asked

" I'm fine....." Michirou said as she smiled

" Really.....?" Zenitsu said as he look at her with a concern

" You looked so paled....." Tanjiro said feel the same way with Zenitsu

" I'm really fine....and we have a training right...." Michirou said

" We should get ready...." Michirou said

" But...." Tanjiro was about to say

" Tanjiro.... Zenitsu... I'm really fine...." Michirou said as she smiled


They went to the training room

Michirou was holding Tanjiro's clothe whuke walking so she can follow them since she was airhead sometimes and Tanjiro knows it

' I'm scared..... I'm scared....' Zenitsu thought as he trembling while holding Michirou's clothes with his small hands

' that really I need to get strong....' Michirou thought

They arrive in the training room and Michirou just sit lazily  and still holding Tanjiro's clothwhile the three was sitting so gloomy

Aoi explained what Michirou and Zenitsu will do

But Michirou didn't listen to what she said as she still zoning out

" Excuse me...may we have a moment...?" Zenitsu asked

" Do you have any questions....?" Aoi asked

Zenitsu suddenly stand up and go in front of the door

" No it's just.....come on you two ..." Zenitsu said

" Nope....." Inosuke said

Tanjiro was curious while Michirou still zoning out and still holding Tanjiro's clothe

" I'm telling you just to come with me!!!" Zenitsu yelled

That made everyone flinched except to Michirou who' s still having a bored look

Zenitsu suddenly dragged Tanjiro and Inosuke but Michirou suddenly dragged too since she was holding Tanjiro's clothe

" Come on..!!!! Graaahhhh!!!! You scum!!! You trash!!!" Zenitsu yelled as he dragged them out without minding Michirou being dragged by him

They dragged in the outside by Zenitsu

Michirou was sitting and watching them

" Sit down and listen here!!!!" Zenitsu yelled

" You idiot jerks!!!" Zenitsu added

" What did you call me....!!!!?" Inosuke yelled as he mad

Zenitsu suddenly punch Inosuke that made Tanjiro and Michirou flinched

" Inosuke...." Michirou said as she help him to stand up

" Zenitsu why did you do that....!?" Tanjiro said

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now