just a stranger Part 1

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Everything was starting so slowly that day. It was a normal day nothing out of the usual wake up, drink some cold coffee, go to work, and then go home. It feels like forever, like time was moving extra slow. I had already finished my work for the day, siting waiting for the clock to hit 4'o clock every minute felt like hours.. "finally" I yelled, my co workers stared at me like I was crazy as if today wasnt bad enough. I walked to the bus stop waiting, I felt like everything was going so slow, " I guess it would be good to get some exercise" I told myself. My apartment wasnt too far away only a few blocks. If my day wasnt amazing enough it started to rain.. Great just my luck, lucky their was a bookstore nearby. This place brings back memories from high school. I decided it wouldnt hurt to get a book since the rain didnt seem to be clearing up any. I walked down the small halls, I saw a book that looked really pretty, curse my height it just had to be at the top of the shelf. I sighed getting ready to walk away when someone tapped my arm, It was Alex. "Great" I told myself this really cant get any worst. "Hey do I know you from somewhere you look familar" said Alex, we said the same gym class from highschool right. It hurt he treated me as if nothing had happened. He stood before me, A memory. But I was a stranger in your eyes did you forget to remember? or remember to forget?

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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