4/29 kel pov

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"Woah! It's raining so hard today, right Sunny?" Aubrey said, looking at the droplets falling down at her umbrella. "... yeah." Sunny replied as he was gazing at the ground. "I know right! Isn't it amazing? " I asked, putting an arm around Aubrey's shoulder as she told me to get off before giving up. Annoying Aubrey will forever be amazing.

"*Sigh* Whatever Kel.. Oh yeah! Basil, could you take a picture of me? I wanna show off my new PINK raincoat! "

"Huh? Oh of course!" As Basil took the photo I put up a peace sign. "Yes! Thank you Basil! And Kel... TAKE THIS! "

"AHH!!" And just like that the awesome and magnificent Kel had been pushed away from Aubrey. "Hey! What was that for!? "

"Revenge you prick! Thy shall not enter the umbrella! " Aubrey half-yelled, one hand on her hip, looking very proud of herself. What does that even mean!? Thy- what? Who the heck is 'thy'?



"Well I like the taste of rain! Look! " I said sticking my tongue out

"Kel, wrong timing but there could be a lot of bacteria in rain- " Basil said, looking up at the rain, but making sure to keep his camera under the umbrella.

"PFFT- HAHAHAHA" Aubrey started to laugh. Whatever! The taste of rain is very good ;) I closed my eyes just to really enjoy the air ya know?

"This is the perrfect time! *click*" I heard Basil whisper shout. "Oh hey Sunny! Wanna see the pictures?" "Um.. yes please.." I finally opened my eyes, and saw Basil and Sunny chatting in the corner of my eye. Oo very cool- *Splash* "Who-" "Pfft- " I turned my head to the attacker, starting to bend down to get revenge. There stood Aubrey in all her glory. "Are you declaring war against THE KEL!?" I didn't get an answer but I did get a big splash to the face from Aubrey kicking the water towards me. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" "YEAH RIGHT LIKE YOUR NOT THE ONE GETTING SPLASHED ALREADY-" I quickly moved away from her attack and kicked hard at the water below. Aubrey tightly grabbed her umbrella and forced it down, blocking the fairly big splash. Then she moved it back up and ran to my right and used the side of her shoe and kicked. I quickly ran to the side, but I had stepped on some small rock and slipped. And before I knew it Aubrey was crouching in front of my face and scooped up some water and threw it at me. "I guess I win, rock-head." Aubrey said, sticking her tongue out. "How'd you even win?"

"I don't know maybe its because of my PINK raincoat." Aubrey stated, holding out her hand.

"Ewwww I hate pink :<" I replied, taking her hand and successfully getting up.

"WHAT- Pink is a magnificent color! You're a gross color! "

"That doesn't even make any sense.."

"Oh- Hi Sunny! I forgot to ask earlier but what do you think of my PINK raincoat? Or do you like the color pink? "

Sunny thought for a bit before answering, "I.. I think pink is a good color, and your raincoat is also good."

"See Kel, even Sunny agrees! " "Wait what? " "I asked Basil what he thought earlier while you were spacing out, he said pink is a pretty good color. "

"I personally think all of you are becoming nuts. " *BONK* "What the- " "Hehe- Well Kel, I'm gonna talk with Basil real quick bye!" Aubrey said, then skipping over to Basil.

"You!- Ah whatever. How are you doing Sunny?" I asked, a bit drained. Sunny gave me a thumbs up, indicating he's probably doing good. "... What about you? " "Hmm? " "How are you doing? "

"I'm feeling great! Just a bit tired from my fight with Aubrey. " Sunny gave me a look mixed with concern and confusion. Ohh he right he was talking with Basil, he probably didn't notice. "Me and Aubrey had this water fight thing, where we splashed each other with water! Cool right?" Sunny opened his mouth a bit, kind of saying "Ohh" and nodded. He then turned, which I followed and saw Basil and Aubrey heading towards us.

".. Do you guys wanna go to Hobbeez?" Basil said, in a bit of an awkward tone.

"Yepp!" I responded, popping the P at the end. Sunny nodded.

"Nice! " Aubrey smiled and started to wave us over. We all walked along the sidewalk, and watched out for cars. But since Sunny would sometimes daydream or zone out, Aubrey was chosen to make sure he doesn't accidentally go off the sidewalk when there's a car. I looked to my left and spotted a puddle. "Hehe.." I ran up to it and jumped right at it. Most of the water hit my face so it wasn't the greatest decision I made."!! Kel you almost got Basil's camera dirty!" Aubrey yelled. "Oh shoot, sorry Basil!" "O-oh it's fine, just be a bit more careful next time?" "Yeah, I promise! I'll get it on Aubrey for sure next time!" "Yeah yeah Kel." Aubrey said, rolling her eyes, but then snapped her head to her right. "Ah-! Sunny, are you okay? You almost slipped there.." Sunny nodded and said he was fine. "You sure Sunny? I think I have some bandages in my pocket if you need them." Basil mentioned just in case, but Sunny just gave a thumbs up and pointed to his knee showing he wasn't injured or anything. I looked up and finally noticed we were finally at Hobbeez. "Guys look, we're finally here!"

"Yes! Do you think I could beat the Captain Spaceboy game this time? " Aubrey asked, speed walking over to the door. "Eh. Maybe but I'm gonna look at some comics! " I shouted as we burst open the door and walked over to our destinations and Sunny and Basil simply waited by the music discs. "Ooo this comic looks interesting.." "Hey kid! Could you leave your jacket outside? You're getting all the comics wet! " "Huh? Finee...", I went outside, but I just decided to go and taste the good ol' rain again! I'm pretty sure Basil took a picture though, since I heard a click. But whatever, today was awesome! I hope we have another rainy day soon!

Rain photos. [KEL POV]Where stories live. Discover now