Death To Little Miss POP Star

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"It's the Cherry on top

That makes the boys stop

Whoa Whoa"

As I sang the last note I swear I wanted to puke, the song was so stupid and the choreography was like a blond bimbo directed it.

"Cherece....Cherece....Cherece" the crowd chanted

I look over the crowd and all that goes through my head is

"I wish I could be them"

To be Just another Fan in the crowd, not the one in the spot light. The lights dimmed as my dancers walk off stage and I stepped forward. I was wearing a blue girly dress and blue heals that were annoying the crape out of me. The crowd went silent, flashes going off from Cameras.

"Thank you everyone you've been a lovely crowd tonight!" I Spoke into the microphone and ran off stage as my #1 song (Cherry on top) played

I finally made it back stage to be bombarded by paparazzi and reporters. I started to push my way through the crowd only to be grabbed by my manager and pulled into my dressing room.

"Great job tonight Cher, ok now remember you have 3 interviews tomorrow and your meeting with Andrew for brunch." my manager Nick said not even looking up from his Galaxy Note

"Do I have to! I hate Andrew" I whined falling face first into the couch

Andrew was my alleged "Boy Friend" Nick and Dave (Andrews manager) thought it be great for publicity seeing that I'm Little Miss POP Star and he's the hottest boy in his Boy Band "Intimate"

"Of course! TMZ will be there, now I need to go work things out for your next concert" Nick said as he turned to leave

"Wait, your leaving me to fight off the paparazzi by myself" I asked lifting my head from the pillow

Nick didn't even answer my question as he left my dressing room. Groaning I rolled off the couch and headed over to my duffle bag grabbing my ripped black skinnys, white "Sleeping with Sirens" crop top, white high top converses, and an oversize black hoodie to not be seen.

I slipped out of my dressing room, avoiding all the paps were searching for any sign of a story. Popping on my headphones I started to play the Acoustic Version of "With Ears to see and Eyes to hear" by Sleeping with Sirens. I walked into one of the old theaters and saw a microphone set up, seeing no one was there I took off my hoodie and started to sing.

True friends lie underneath, these witty words I don't believe I can't believe a damn thing they say, anymore

Lie, Lie, Liar! Liar you'll pay for your sins  

Lie, Lie, Liar! Liar you'll pay for your sins

So tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to be like you?

I think your mouth should be quiet Cause it never tells the truth

So tell me, so tell me why, why does it have to be this way?

Why can't things ever change?

(I thought I heard music start playing but just ignored it seeing that my head phones were still in.)

Falling over, and over again From all the words that you have said

It written on my heart for everyone to see

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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